JWs blindly deny kindness from non JWs

by greendawn 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • greendawn

    Since the days of Rutherford the dubs have entered into a kind of collective denial of reality through the morbidly neurotic personality and spirit of that very convincing liar which were engrafted on their collective psyche and since then they are unable to see and acknowledge the benefits they receive from non JWs eg doctors, lawyers, judges, law makers and from ordinary folk. Deep down they believe there can be no good people outside the org.

    They live in denial day after day and living beneath reality is not a healthy thing. What were your experiences or what are your comments on this issue?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Greendawn,

    I find your posts thought-provoking as well as insightful. Having acquired, so it would seem, my father's "pollyanna" outlook on life and those flawed souls who inhabit said life, for me personally the kindness of others is a matter of perception. I just returned from my 40-year reunion ( www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/121650/1ashx ) and have to say that there was love, warmth and genuine kindness in abundance there. I was ill for many years and the help and encouragement I received came from both "camps." It is entirely possible to both quantify and qualify how that help arrived at my doorstep: neighbors came with food, money and good cheer and so, too, my witness friends. Yet only one elder took an active role in helping me. Whether that is neglect or lack of awareness on the part of the elder body --- whatever --- I feel that my needs were met, and I thank our Father for that. My belief, then, regarding your question, is that at heart people are basically good and willing to help. Yet the behavior-control aspect of WT methodology CAN, but may not, interfere with the natural outpouring of love and goodness humans normally express. There are many stories of JW's who wanted to help but were afraid because of clear-cut warnings not to help so-and-so in such-and-such situation. Certainly those islanders in Malta who showed extraordinary human kindness toward Paul and other survivors were leagues ahead of their counterparts in the Holy Land who needed rules to govern their every move.

    Yours truly,

    Compound Complex

  • greendawn

    CC it was no doubt greatly uplifting to receive help from so many persons, and that's the point I want to make the JWs can't see that they shouldn't expect to see people that help them suffer at the big A, as they perceive it. What I am getting at is their eagerness to see the end makes them unable to see the kindness in the world in case too many good people around means the end to be postponed. That's the classical Rutherford gall. That's downright immature and selfish.

  • LanDi

    Hold on a second. This is rather difficult.

    If you go to your local library and look up Jehovahs witnesses in booksearch ( I am in the UK) there are a few rather 'interesting' books.

    One authors book 'contemporary view of a religious movement' in which he had several chapters including 'Demonising the world' ( Hold on the world doesnt need demonising)

    The societys view is often one of say, only talk to a non JW if you are witnessing to them. Certainly, association is completely discouraged as if they are trying to get you to worship the devil or something. It is worth noting, Mary Magdalene WAS an ex Prostitute so Jesus wasn't a biggot in any way, in fact she was his favourite follower (Gospel of Thomas ( ' Why do you love her more than us' )

    It is more a protection (not associating) but you will NEVER find the words 'worldly people' in Society Literature - on worldly atmosphere references. It is difficult for them and its a matter of balance. Ex JWs are almost always worse than other people because they have gone against their conscience and abandoned the way of truth.

    Biblical truths are a beautiful thing - applied properly. But if there are ANY negative experiences, no JW will discuss them because of the fear of shame their God Jehovah. Any ex Jw who discusses them will change their story to elaborate on facts, its human nature to put your self in a better light.

  • SusanHere

    It is worth noting, Mary Magdalene WAS an ex Prostitute so Jesus wasn't a biggot in any way, in fact she was his favourite follower

    Actually, this is not true. This is an intentionally induced perception by Catholic leadership because Mary Magdalene had developed a following of her own and they wanted to put an end to that. She was not at any time a prostitute.


  • SusanHere

    It is worth noting, Mary Magdalene WAS an ex Prostitute so Jesus wasn't a biggot in any way, in fact she was his favourite follower

    Actually, this is not true. This is an intentionally induced misconception by early Catholic leadership because Mary Magdalene had developed a following of her own and they wanted to put an end to that once and for all.

    She was not at any time a prostitute.


  • OnTheWayOut

    JW thinking still in my brain, the point with Mary M. or any sinner Jesus approached was that they were sinners, Jesus did good things for them anyway, and some of them did good things for Jesus. We cannot really use those examples, because anybody can say that Jesus was trying to convert them, by acts of kindness.

    Pick acts of kindness from a non-witness or non-believer where there was no thought of converting, there are tons of them.

  • SusanHere

    Hey! This was supposed to be an edit for clarification, not a second posting. Did I do something wrong that it came up as a second post? How do I get the first one off?

    Can someone please advise so I don't make the same mistake again.



  • greendawn

    "Ex JWs are almost always worse than other people because they have gone against their conscience and abandoned the way of truth." So LanDi do you agree with that statement or are you only reporting what the JWs are saying or feeling? Many ex JWs left because they realised the WTS is a false organisation that has nothing good to offer but is simply deceiving and exploiting its members.

  • LanDi

    Hi GreenDawn. There is a famous saying (forgot who said it) " What we see depends on what we are looking for" and this is very true.

    My whole family were brought up JWs (except me) although my mother remained staunchly 'religious' in her own way. One has to examine the facts , and as Homer Simpson says " Facts are meaningless, they can be used to prove anything."

    Well, as Jesus said " Let him without sin cast the first stone.". We have all made many mistakes and grievances agaisnt one another in our time. But who has the truth?

    Let's look at Jehovahs witnesses. ( It is not my place to discuss doctrine -most of the time)

    The Watchtower is staunchly opposed to any sort of Ambition in life ( go on the ministry full time and get a part time cleaning job) Don't have any Non JW friends (always good that one. They have even suggested that you only talk to non JWs when you are preaching to them. Which if true - i would want as many chances as possible to 'choose life' before the end. Don't assosciate with family if disfellowshipped (don't even say a greeting) Your main topic of conversation ( " JWs enjoy talking about the ministry" society publications) is to be the convertion of people to the truth ( It is for their lives you know) Associate with the brother (as much as possible - providing they are upstanding christians of course) The assilimilation is classic cult behaviour???

    If you meet a member of the opposite sex (sparks fly, the sexual chemistry is immense- you find your soulmate - your missing piece) If shes NOT in the truth - steer clear!!!!!! Beautiful . This of course - warps the brain - fighting the natural urges is self destruction. One can ( as a man) look at a woman and find her attractive, and feel she is beautiful, and get aroused (easy...) but obviously there's a line (Woman ARE deeply emotional creature.FACT People are not pieces of meat or ANIMALS - so thinking anything inappropriate is disrespectful and never gives one the surge of sensation that being excited and attracted yet respectful can - ever - so there is a benefit in moral cleanness) But to fight the feelings for women - IS the worst thing one can do (Not being a woman I can't talk of the other side of the coin but, again - one has to say, with MEN in todays society is it not a protection ???? ) Many Witnesses are warped ???? You can't say that it's a sin against God you know .My typings are a gross sin just know. Putting people off from the Truth, an agent of Satan - really .

    As far as their stances go - I would say - nobody gets it perfect in their defense.

    I can tell you alot - but then I certainly am at fault for much in life - so I would be a hypocrite. I am forbidden to tell the stories I could. But then , I am not perfect, not by a LONG shot. Witnesses are frail and imperfect - just like the rest of us. It is however, Imperitive, you do not speak ILL of other Witnesses - even if you aren't . It is a grave SIN.

    Bottom LINE - The Watchtowers teachings are surely a Phsychiatrists nightmare (or dream come true if he's private and not state paid!) But does that mean their interpretation of Scripture is WHOLLY wrong - course not.

    Time will pass. Alot of JWs are very kind - incidentally. We had one come when I was 15 to check our electric meter. A fine upstanding man.

    I know I sensed holy spirit in that man.

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