by apocalypse 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Little Bo Peep
    Little Bo Peep

    Out last meetings were about 3 years ago. We exited the WT, telling our children and mother-in-law we wouldn't be going to the summer convention, and why. We weren't shunned, but couldn't talk to them for a couple of years. Since then, out daughters and families came out (2 of our 3 sons are out, but one won't even acknowledge us anymore because of all the gossip), and several other families are also out. The last few meetings we went to, I got physically ill and we had to leave...finally had enough of the lies and deception, even though those from the platform didn't realize they were spreading them, just as we didn't. Congradulations on hanging in there.

    Little Bo Peep

  • apocalypse

    Kudos to those who have made it past "the barb wire" of The Watchtower Gulag.

    One person asked how we discern those who can be helped. Well, it's a process. Little tid bits of info to see if a person responds. Having them over for tea. Drawing them up. Helping them appreciate confidentiality. Providing them with clear proof. Starting off by taking information that they are not cognizant of yet current info. Carefully phrased, you can really throw a wrench in their works. Example: "Hey John, just think that in just a few years, the Watchtower will celebrate the first centenial aniversary of the kingdom. Yes 2014 is just around the corner. Hey, then the're will only be 900 years left of the Kindom.I hope the end comes soon". And try to be sincere, no sarcasm.

    How to not get caught. Never allowing yourself to be cornered. Stressing confidentiality. Finding out what pieves the person and making sure that distaste for Watchtower grows enough to keep them silent while persuing the truth.

    How to keep going? Now that's harder. So often you want to puke. We miss many meetings. We do other stuff while we are there. You can actually be sitting in the hall and be somewhere else. Bring your own printed material and slip away in your chair.

    What do you think if JWD puts up a thread called UNDERGROUND RAILROAD ...?

  • wannaexit
    How long have you been doing this? It seems like it would be difficult not to get caught

    Apocalypse is my husband and I often wonder why we don't get caught. I guess most don't expect it from us because we were so active in the past. Also we are in a congregation where you can fake it .


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Wannaexit,

    It is heartwarming that both of you work together in what could be the greatest effort of all time. My recent decision to revive my original career and go back to college (forty years later) seems so unimportant now. The spiritual-awakening work you do (that I have recently learned about) has helped to solidify my decision to be available to exiting friends and family. We've had drummed into our collective head for years "this life-saving work." I think this is other than what the Society had in mind. We have work to do, yet perhaps it's more to the tune of "Get on Board (the Dub Underground Railroad)." I'm with you. This 'release from captivity and wide-opening of the eyes' will succeed without a centralized, uniformity-at-all-costs autocracy. May the will of God take place.

    Yours truly,

    Compound Complex

  • BabaYaga

    What an encouraging and cool-as-heck post. I don't know how you do it, but more power to you. "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

    Quote: "Hey John, just think that in just a few years, the Watchtower will celebrate the first centenial aniversary of the kingdom. Yes 2014 is just around the corner. Hey, then the're will only be 900 years left of the Kindom.I hope the end comes soon".

    Wow. Just wow.

    Cheers to you. And I think Underground Railroad would be a GREAT forum department heading.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Wannaexit (post script),

    A thought from the wee hours --- "The Chatarooma Choo Choo ?!?!?"

    Yours truly,


  • apocalypse

    There are other ways of helping Dubs from within.

    Some I cannot mention because Watchtower trolls are here lurking, hoping to discover the methods used.

    I will mention that carefully phrased comments at the book study can go miles. You can throw a wrench into many-a-gearbox with a comment connecting two discordant points.

    For instannce. "We shouldn't use blood. But we can allow our blood to be separated and only the allowable portions utilized."

    This flies in the face of the average dub's understanding that blood is to be poured out and not used at all. Yet if challenged, you can point in the direction of existing Watchtower dogma. All that is left is a personal struggle for the listener.

    Now, someone will say "you can't help them"... "they are all brainwashed"...

    They would be missing the point. I am not trying to help everyone. I view the Kingdom Hall like a Borg ship. You can walk down the hallway and as long as you don't disturb the wrong ones, they don't notice you. Borg.

    For the most part, I view the dubs as background noise. Like walking through a barnyard full of unthinking animals. But every now and then one of the animals says a word, and you backup and ask "can you talk?" ...to see if you heard right. And it answer "yes". So you have found one of the animals that is more than what he or she appears to be. It has learned to talk and think. This is the one, against the backdrop af mindless noise, where your work begins.

  • jwfacts
    I will mention that carefully phrased comments at the book study can go miles. You can throw a wrench into many-a-gearbox with a comment connecting two discordant points.
    For instannce. "We shouldn't use blood. But we can allow our blood to be separated and only the allowable portions utilized."

    Excellent suggestion. I wish I had done more of this while I could.

  • BabaYaga

    Awesome analogies, Apocalypse.

    "Now, someone will say "you can't help them"... "they are all brainwashed"...

    "They would be missing the point. I am not trying to help everyone. I view the Kingdom Hall like a Borg ship. You can walk down the hallway and as long as you don't disturb the wrong ones, they don't notice you. Borg.

    "For the most part, I view the dubs as background noise. Like walking through a barnyard full of unthinking animals. But every now and then one of the animals says a word, and you backup and ask "can you talk?" ...to see if you heard right. And it answer "yes". So you have found one of the animals that is more than what he or she appears to be. It has learned to talk and think. This is the one, against the backdrop af mindless noise, where your work begins."

  • JWdaughter

    excellent thread. Wish I could ever speak to my mom about spiritual things w/o her putting up her guard.


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