Nathan KNORR announced the big A was coming in 1975 to best friends....

by restrangled 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    I think the 1975 fiasco was a sales stunt because it worked really well in that way, so many dubs did get very motivated to work hard and the sales of the publishing corporations products must have rocketed through the roof in that period, I wonder how they get away with it afterwards without most members leaving due to the fraud.

  • garybuss

    The Society learned some important lessons about 1975. #1. Mistakes sell books. #2. A million walkaways don't matter in 10 years.

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    Apostates dragging up the past again.

    Blah Blah Blah.

  • slimboyfat

    Well this flatly contradicts Ray Franz who claims Knorr did not buy into the whole chronology thing, including 1914.


  • blondie

    Actually JWs and the WTS feel remembering and studying the past is vital. Each scripture below is used an average of 5 times each year in WTS publications.

    (Romans 15:4) For all the things that were written aforetime were written for our instruction, that through our endurance and through the comfort from the Scriptures we might have hope.

    (1 Corinthians 10:11) Now these things went on befalling them as examples, and they were written for a warning to us upon whom the ends of the systems of things have arrived

    w05 9/15 p. 20 par. 18 Walk by Faith, Not by Sight!

    As Jehovah’s modern-day servants, we cherish our good relationship with God. We are eager to learn and apply in our lives valuable lessons from past events. (Romans 15:4)



  • Terry

    I've made this comment before, but, I'll make it again.

    When you enter a "constructed" world of belief it is like falling in love and the "glow" only lasts just so long.

    Then, little by little, everyday reality intrudes into the bubble of glowing feeling.

    One day you find you are simply in a committed relationship. For better or worse you are stuck.

    You long for the REAL LIFE, but, you only have the relationship that plods along like so many duties, chores and obligations.

    What can you do?

    It is my theory that when it comes to religion you TRY TO MAKE THE DAMNED THING AS REAL AS POSSIBLE.

    That is where trouble begins.

    TRUE BELIEVERS often escalate fantasy into a would-be reality just to force real life into the same world.

    It is like Trekkies dressing up like Klingons.

    One day you just have cross the line between real life and fantasy and melt the two worlds into one.

    ARMAGEDDON FANTASY stems from this longing to make something (anything; just make it REAL) happen.

    Regularly throughout Watchtower history the men at the top need a healthy dose of REALITY and buy-in psychologically to real world events in the form of END TIMES predictions.

    Otherwise they'd go completely insane.

    You can't stay on the verge of a sneeze that never happens. You just can't.

    1975 was the last catharsis.

    Going back to my relationship fantasy.....

    How many times do you hear about a really nice marriage that suddenly erupts into trouble because one of the partners went off on a wild fling? Same thing. Same longing to get the old sense of excitement and wonder going again.

    It is self-destructive, sure. But, chasing the tickle of original feeling is a strong motivation.


  • jwfacts


    All your comments have been the same. If you are so convinced the WTS is the be all and end all, stop wasting your time and ours on this site. Surely you should be following your leaders and doing the Pass





    so as to get in to the New System. It will be here within the next year or two.

  • rebel8

    After 1975 came and went my Mom still has letters she wrote to the Society quoting Knorr to the PO and the society's response. She has refused to let anyone see these letters.

    Perhaps we should pay a visit to your mother....when she isn't home....after dark.....we can all wear black clothes and face masks....and tell her to disable the alarm before she leaves.

    Those letters would be priceless.....

  • restrangled

    I'm in charge of her estate after she is gone. It's the first things I'm going to look for!


  • Jeffro

    The Scotsman:

    Apostates dragging up the past again.
    Blah Blah Blah.

    And of course no benefit can come from bringing up something from the past, can it? Makes no sense to examine an organization's track record to see if it is reliable, does it?

    Of course, it's fine to bring up the past about JWs in Nazi Germany or anything else that makes them look like the pursecuted underdog.

    But don't dare bring up the past about anything that might embarrass JWs.

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