S-E-X for ex-jw couples........(is that an oxymoron?)

by Juniper 39 Replies latest members adult

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW

    JWs take life too seriously. The WTS has drummed all joy out of their lives (so much for being a "happy" people)

    Sometimes when images get stuck in our heads we need to take the seriousness out of it.

    I agree!

    Trying anything illegal, like having sex in public, can get you arrested

    I will remember that next time we are alone at the beach late at night under the light of the moon, reflecting on our 27 years of marriage.

    Sorry for offending your sensibilities LL

  • TweetieBird

    I remember growing up that oral sex was wrong. Remember the WT article in the 70's and then the flip-flop that elders were not sex police, but still shouldn't do it? Anyway, that was drummed into my head so much that when I got married (husband was a JW but not a good one, thank the lord) this became an issue. Even though I enjoyed it, I always felt tremendous guilt afterwards. I finally got over the guilt and started exploring even more. All I can say is that life is good and it does get better. Lady Lee, you rock!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I never thought sex was wrong or would get in the way of anything. How sad for anyone to have made you feel that way.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    My MIL

    Sorry for offending your sensibilities LL

    Nope you didn't offend my sensibilities. Don't tell anyone but I have been know to crawl into a sleeping bag with someone and do it on the beach. We did have to keep an eye out for cops and people tripping over us in the dark - kinda ruined some of the excitement for me

  • frankiespeakin

    You go Lady Lee, my girl friend is always giving me yank(if you know what I mean) in front of company she not a jw btw.

  • c.t.russel the IVth
    c.t.russel the IVth

    mmmmmmmmmmm.......I'm with Mrs Jone the 5th......the high heels and fishnets. Also somebody else made the suggetion of an all day naked movie day and just hanging out together and doing whatever comes to mind. Sex is a great thing and should never be wated on just the young. In fact I think it gets better with time......although most people's bods don't look better with time mine included @ 49. yum yum!


  • c.t.russel the IVth
    c.t.russel the IVth

    lady lee.....some of the best sex I ever experience was outdoors in the south of france while trying not to get stung by the extra large bees they have down there.

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Play dress up and role play...try costumes that are *nothing* like JWs...have him be a 'dangerous but noble' pirate and you be a lady whose ship he captured...be a harem girl and have him be a sheik...you get the idea. Try blindfolds (sensory deprivation can be very nice) one at a time, of course, and use silky fabrics and feathers, etc. on each other.

    Of course, you'll feel silly, but that in itself is a bonding experience!

    One thing that apparently lots of couples with problems have found helpful, is to try the rule, "tonight, we'll stroke or kiss each other *anywhere* but the genitals and nipples (those get overused) and we won't have sex. Just 'foreplay'. (this is when you find out about erogenous zones you never knew you had...like the back of the knees or neck). Tomorrow night, we can include the genitals and nipples but no actual sex. The third night...well, by that time you should have a good head of steam built up if you can wait that long!"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    One thing that apparently lots of couples with problems have found helpful, is to try the rule, "tonight, we'll stroke or kiss each other *anywhere* but the genitals and nipples (those get overused) and we won't have sex. Just 'foreplay'. (this is when you find out about erogenous zones you never knew you had...like the back of the knees or neck). Tomorrow night, we can include the genitals and nipples but no actual sex. The third night...well, by that time you should have a good head of steam built up if you can wait that long!"

    There is a name for this kind of technique - Sensate Focus. It is used to help couples discover other parts of the body that can be stimulating. Far too many couples think it is only the breats and genitals that can be stimulating. And many men tend to go to the genitals first without every touching other parts of the body

    There is always time for the quicky but there is a special deliciousness in the long and slow seduction/foreplay. Sensate Focus helps couples discover this

  • Jerohobobonadad

    My wife and I have always had really great sex, but we were always pretty lousy Witnesses.

    Unrelated to this topic, but, i don't know why, this comment made me laugh out loud!

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