Did The "Titles" In The Hall Bother You?

by choosing life 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal

    I thought the whole thing was ridiculous and certainly didn't seem Christian or bible based. It was like being in second grade again with the teacher giving gold stars to certain kids as a reward, etc.

    I couldn't see what the big deal was with having a title because all it did was make more work for you and have people bothering you. I never wanted that.


  • jayhawk1

    If anything, I hated the title "brother" and "sister." I have a first name and it isn't Brother.

  • jaguarbass

    I always hated the fact that the JWs claim they don't take on titles for status and then do just that. Pioneer,Special Pioneer, Auxillary Pioneer, Elder, MS,CO, DO, PO etc. Did this bother you? When you put it this way it bothers me now.

  • MsShockJock

    Yes, it has always bothered me. When you start studying with the JWs that is one of the first things they tell you to distinquish themselves from other religions along with no paid clergy, no donations plates being passed, etc., but as you become involved with the congregation you soon realize that these "titles" are very much there and those with such titles don't want you to forget that they possesd them as they hold a prominent position in the congregation.

    I also learned that these "titles" are not to be used outside the congregation. For instance, when a worldly relative of mine died I asked a brother (elder) to give the funeral talk. The newspaper printed in the obituary that "elder" so and so would be giving the funeral service. When the brother heard about his title actually being printed in the newpapers there was hell to pay. I was approached and questioned by two "elders" as to how this came about. I being new in the truth did not realize that I should not have said "elder" so and so to the undertaker who was preparing the info for the local newspapers. Well, is that not what he was, as I was so often reminded when I studied with him and his wife? He was constantly referring to himself as "an elder" and his wife as one of "the pioneers".

    Also, don't forget about the other title that I don't believe anybody has mentioned yet..."elder's wife".

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Yes it always bothered me, even when I was a little kid, an Elder was suppose to be scary to me, like my mom would talk to me like you better act good or Elder is going to see you, or better not sleep during the meetings anymore or Elder Jerkoff is going to have a talk with you, I never respected them or feared them. However kids my own age and my parents and family treated them like if they were Jehovah police.

  • LongHairGal


    I also hated the terms "brother" and "sister".

    I especially hated it if I were in a public place and some idiot in the hall would yell out "Hi, Sister ___". One time I said something to the person who did this and I said I found it offensive in a public place because it sounds like a nun with a habit and also because it makes you wonder if the person saying it even remembers or knows your actual name.

    If I was ever called "sister" in a secular work place I would have to have serious words with the person because JWs tend to overstep their boundaries and need to be reminded.


  • RR

    The titles themselves did not bother me, just the attitude of some who had them.

    Titles aren't bad, after all the Scriptures abound with them, prophets, disciples, apostles, teacher, rabbi, etc.


  • JWdaughter

    They never bothered me, and recently I was able to identify and initiate a challenging conversation with a JW lady who was addressed as "sister so and so" by "brother so and so" in a public place(they happened to be from the same cong. and at the outpatient surgery with spouses at the same time as I was waiting for my mom). So that came in handly for me and I got a great opp. to tell sister so and so (and the entire reception area) all the reasons why I was not part of the WT organization. It was kinda awesome.

  • chiddy

    I agree jambon if the sister pioneer had said that to me I would have spat on it

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