Revelation book revisions in Sept KM

by becca1 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Zico

    I'm not sure many of them will even notice. Though, as GoingGoingGone pointed out, I do love the fact they wrote something with 'No doubt' and then changed it!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Since Bible prophesies are often completly understood after thay are fulfilled or in the course of fulflillment

    Utter nonsense designed to cover their uninspired a**. Did not Jesus and Ezekiel and Jeremiah utter prophecy that was understood before. Isn't the point of prophecy to warn?

    The Watchtower is rife with the examples they point out of 'those who listened to the warning a acted before it was too late'.

    Now, according to their eschatology, in this period of potential destruction of most of earths inhabitants, one of the supposed key warnings and prophecies won't be understood so that people can be warned 'until after they are fullfilled'? What - when mankind is all birdfood?

    Stupid bast*ds.


  • the outspoken one
    the outspoken one

    I was wondering when the amendments to the Revalation Bk would be a topic of conversation. I know a sister who keeps me informed on everthing that goes on in the "witness wonderland". She has been going to the KH for almost 30 years and is in her 50's. She told me about the changes and is starting to question the WBTS. But as with many of you it doesn't suprise me that they have twisted the lyrics to suit themselves again. The problem they have with the peace and security proclamation at the moment is that no world leaders in their right minds would even dare proclaim peace and security because they know it is unrealistic. So rather than the JW's sticking to their original ideas (since these are supposed to be inspired) They change the meanings to suit whatever happens to be on sky news at the time. I would say they are not very confident and trusting in Jehovah, wouldnt you?, surely Jehovah would make their sayings come true since they are his ONLY true servants. Either Jehovah is deliberately ensuring they look like idiots because their haughty ways piss him right off or they are always wrong, whatever the case may be they seem to be getting it wrong an awful ot lately.

    By the way the same sister told me about a recent Watchtower that basically said that if a husband goes away on holiday or works abroad and has an affair , his wife should welcome him back and forgive him, anyone seen it? I'm sure that article would make for good conversation

    The Out Spoken One

  • robhic
    Since Bible prophesies are often completly understood after thay are fulfilled or in the course of fulflillment

    Well then what the hell good are they??? What's the point of receiving a warning only AFTER the the dangerous event happens?

    You cop a bullet in the back, and then 10 minutes later the Watchman calls out "Watch out! that guy has a gun!"..

    Bit late to warn me, asshole!

    Get a life, WT writers!! Your religion is totally and utterly useless crap!


    Absolutely and completely spot on! Like a boomerang that doesn't come back is merely a stick, a prophesy that isn't understood is merely a statement or a comment.

    This is pretty lame.

  • plmkrzy
    "What form will the significant cry of "Peace and Security" take?

    “it will be no more than a facade. Underneath, nothing will really have changed."

    The change in the insert reads:

    "In recent years, polititians have used the phrase "peace and security", to describe various human schemes.”

    “Since Bible prophesies are often completly understood after thay are fulfilled or in the course of fulflillment,”

    “Christians know that whatever peace and security nations may appear to have achieved, basically nothing will have changed."

    :So, what do you guys thin? Are they downplaying the "peace and security" thing?

    It doesn’t look like it. It looks more like they are validating what was previously written about the government fulfilling prophecy while justifying previously failed prophecy.

  • Kudra

    Then what's the point of the f**k'n prophecy if you only understand it after the damn fact?!?!?

    What about 1986's International Year of Peace? I remember getting all excited about that one --TWENTY years ago.


  • BizzyBee
    Since Bible prophesies are often completly understood after thay are fulfilled or in the course of fulflillment, we will have to wait and see.

    Hilarious! Yup, they are learning. Stick with those "after the fulfillment" prophecies and you can't go wrong. Or not too far wrong. Or you could just read a newspaper.

    It's enough to make Fred Franz roll over in his grave! "WTF are you guys doing up there!?? What is this 'we will have to wait and see' shite? You pantywaists! Take a risk once in awhile, will ya? I was wrong about 1975, but hey! no guts, no glory. Jeez you're gonna put 'em to sleep with this crap! OK, they're already asleep, but you're gonna put 'em into a coma!"

  • sspo

    I beleive the Gb or the writing committee don't know their left from from their right.

    Their guess about peace and security is as good as mine and yours.

    Sadly the rank and file which we were all part of at one time, hangs on to every stupid word that comes from them

    as if they had special revelation or knowledge.......

  • uriah

    You know this reminds me of those perpetual sales in furniture shops - DFS or SCS and the like. Get this sofa for half price and then an extra 10% off only £650! Then you see in small pale words - ASP £1500, the 'After Sale Price'. What they mean is that when the 'Sale' ends - which it never does - the price they INTEND to charge will be £1500. Well, the WTS INTENDS the prophecy to come true but until it does work your butt off for us which is a small price to pay to not be bird food, when the time comes.

  • V

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