Do we have the right to tell Iran that they can not have nuclear weapons?

by free2beme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ocelot

    The USA might have some idiotic christians as polititions but its not a ridiculous "theocracy" with religious leaders running the country and people being executed for breaking religious rules. If you can't tell the difference between the US and Iran you are a fool.

  • stevenyc

    Maybe we should be totaly democratic about this and grant the right for every human to have a nuclear weapon.


  • Gerard

    Do you have the right to ask your next-door neighbor -with a criinal history- to not cook meth? No not sell meth? Not to rev up his Harley? To not play with machineguns? To not store gasoline drums next to your garage? etc....

    On the eother hand, it was only after the USA started to choke Fidel castro that he saught refuge underr the Russian military protection and it was only then that he declared Cuba a comunist nation. You can't force a nation into submission, that's why there is diplomacy and trade deals in exchange of security.

    My 2 cents...

  • VM44

    Nuclear weapons are immoral and their use against humans should be considered a crime against humanity. --VM44

  • free2beme

    I have lived in areas, where the neighbor was doing things I disliked. I complained and the landlord did something. Then the person punched out my drivers side door and I had to pay money to get it fixed. So, it might be a good idea, something might be done about it ... in the end you piss them off and trust me, they do something about it that cost you money or worse.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    What do you think, do we have the right to tell other countries what to do?

    When the President of Iran claims that the Holocaust did not exist; the country of Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth; and when he looks forward to helping user in the Muslim messiah at Armageddon then YES, I think the WORLD should not permit that psycho wack job to obtain nuclear weapons and plunge the whole world into WWIII.

    But the world won't have the guts to do it, and yes, there probably will be a nuclear war in our lifetime when they get the bomb. Under treaty, Germany was not suppose to rearm after WWI, but nobody wanted to stop them in the early 1930's.... they argued that they had a 'right' to be armed as much as anyone. You know the rest of the story, along with the estimated 40-50 million people who died during WWII.

  • avengers

    Let's give Hitler a nuclear bomb.
    He has to promise to use it the right way though.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    Let's give Hitler a nuclear bomb.
    He has to promise to use it the right way though.

    Of course, he's a man of his word! Oh wait, that's right, he's DEAD and laying on the ashheaps of history.

  • greendawn

    It's not just the US but the entire western world that do not want Iran to have nuclear weapons for obvious reasons, the Iranian state will not hesitate to use or threaten to use them to promote the cause of Islam which is very belligerant towards all non moslems. That's too big a risk.

  • JeffT

    Do the police have a right to tell you to obey the law? If I know a cop is doing something wrong can I tell him to f*** off if he pulls me over?

    International law is created by treaties between nations. The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty has been around a long time. Most countries (including Iran) signed it, agreeing not to build nuclear weapons or help other countries build them. Iran is now in violation of that treaty. We can enforce the rule of law, or forget about it entirely, which means you can all stop griping about W and America while you're at it.

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