by badboy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    "Just say No!"

    My brother once asked my mother about sex, I guess he wanted to talk about it with her *shutters*, and all my mother had to say about it to him was "Don't do it!"

    Needless to say my sister and I got a little more information but it was along the lines of not doing it cuz Mom wasn't going to raise anyone else's bastards.


  • hambeak

    My experience was it was very clinical and abstention was mandatory until marriage. Masturbation was taboo as were thinking things of a sexual nature or viewing obscene literature. Also obscenity had a very wide scope depending on who you talked to.

    Results of my era:

    1 lots of babies out of wedlock

    2 lots of divorces

    3 lots of us gay folks

    4 lots of df ing and da ing

    as another said in another thread it was run by a bunche of victorian men that never married in a lot of cases


  • wonderwoman

    This was my sex ed:
    (given by mom and dad courtesy of the WBTS)
    1. Sex is bad, don't do it.
    2. Boys only want sex.
    3. Sex is only for making babies between a husband and wife.
    4. Masturbation is bad, don't do it.
    5. When you are a wife, it's your duty. No questions asked.

  • outoftheorg

    My understanding of sex as transmitted to me by my mother in the early 1940's.

    It is nasty and don't do that! What?? Hanging on that door and rubbing your self there. Thats's Nasty??

    Yes, stop that she screamed. Sorta. The lesson I learned? Don't do that while mama is around.

    Girls don't like sex. All of them? Yes only the bad girls like sex and there are lots of them out to get young men. Oh.

    Rub myself high up in pine tree. Mama won't know where I am.

    People have sex and that makes babies.

    What? You heard me. Do you and daddy have sex? You're too young to be talking about this. I want to go out and pull some weeds and I want you to how the garden. OK Returns to pine tree.

    I get the general message. Sex is nasty, women don't like it or should not like it. There is something wrong with me and maybe daddy.

    I get into my teens and now I hear lots of things about sex from the neighbor hood boys and a few girls.

    Wow everyone is nasty and I must be also. Go to the bathroom and lock the door. The hell with the pine tree.

    Now I am ninteen and as horny as a guy can get. Carrying lots of guilt and confusion. Marry the first really good looking jw girl that I date. I have lots of sex but it doesn't seem too good for her.

    I find from her that she was molested by her father until whe was around 12 and he left the family. That could be part of the problem.

    Twelve years later wife abandons the family, me and our 4 children. The youngest is 18 months old.

    Poor sex wasn't the whole cause, but was a strong part of it. I think. Go to the bathroom and lock the door. Damned guilt is back .

    Remarried to another jw girl. Nine yrs. younger than me. During our dating there was some heavy kissing and such but no sex. God wants it this way. Check out the bathroom again.

    Get married and we are having SEX but she seems uneasy with the whole sex thing. She seems uneasy and embarrassed about sex with her husband. To hell with the bathroom. I will get this right.

    Years go by and babies are born. Wife gets suicidal and suddenly wants to find the daddy that left her and her family. Wife begins to be an angry person. Especially towards me. Then finds her long lost daddy and now she hates me.

    I disobey God and get her to a psychiatrist. It comes out that she also was molested by family members and her mother had a part in it. Brought her boy friends home and let them sleep in her daughters bed room. One of whom was my wife.

    End result? Divorce!

    Could it be that a lack of knowledge and acceptance of sex as a natural desire had a part in all of this??

    I tend to think so. Because both of my wives were in many ways good people, but wanted what they had lost in their lives. Their daddys for one and protection for another and a normal and natural understanding of the use of sex in a natural and normal part of human life.

    I know that I would have been a much better lover and husband, if not for the Strange way that sex and its part in the human life, had been delivered to me at a very early age.

    I had to get out and into the very WORLD the jw's despise, to really learn how to be a good husband and lover.


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