What affect did the Watchtower have on your emotional health?

by The wanderer 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer
    Watchtower Arouses Emotions

    How much of an affect did the organization have on you deciding to become one of
    Jehovah's Witnesses or staying within the confines of the organization?
    Did the artists rendition of paradise earth pull you into the "truth"? Did fear of dying
    at Armageddon keep you in the organization longer?

    The Emotions after Leaving the Organization

    Did you happen to go through emotional withdrawal after leaving the organization?
    Speaking on my own behalf, it started with sadness, anger, then depression and
    now it is transforming into a state of happiness.

    What about you? Can you share what your frame of mind was like before and after
    being involved with the organization?


    The Wanderer

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Did the artists rendition of paradise earth pull you into the "truth"? Did fear of dying
    at Armageddon keep you in the organization longer?

    Yes on both counts for me.

    As for when I left, I went straight to anger, but after almost a year, I'm not really angry anymore, though I rarely miss an opportunity to ridicule the wts and their teachings.

  • lovelylil

    While I was in I felt suffocated and dying spiritually and emotionally. I had depression and was tired all the time. My family was always stressed out and argueing.

    I had no anger at all when I left. I just wanted to get out. But at first my hubby wanted to stay in and our marriage almost got ruined over it. The only other problem I had was it took a long time to build up a support system again and I was very lonely. But now the whole family is much happier and healthier for it. The kids are thriving emotionally too with many new friends and joining clubs in school. Lilly

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I felt so depressed and suicidal at the end. If I feel any kind of anger it's about time lost and wasted. Mostly I feel happiness now because I am finally living my life. And being myself.

  • Nowman

    I left the org back in 92 mostly because of my parents and what went on behing closed doors. People thought we were the perfect little JW family yet some close to us knew my parents were off their rocker. I started to have chronic stomach pains and they went away when I left the org. I found that I did some self destructive things to myself when I 1st left, I'll be honest, eating disorder. I did everything to the extreme because I did not know any better. I wanted to experience all. I was angry at my parents for a long time, everything I did was about them. Yet, I realized during this time period that I was self destructive but I still wanted to punish myself because of my parents.

    I eventually grew up. I eventually realized I had control (mostly) of what my future would hold and I needed to stop punishing myself. I was a good person, I had the capability of making things better, and I did. The past was the past. It wasn't my fault I was brought up in that org and much time was wasted. I am thankful I got out when I was 18, and not later. My mom, for example, had a very difficult dealing with NOT BEING A JW, severely depressed, to say the least. But, she got through it, it took time.

    I could go on and on. It saddens me to think about all those people (including myself) who are so affected by this organization. I know that the org and those who are held by it, is NOT the ocrrect way to live your life. Its too bad, most of us have realized so much later than we should have.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I left the org back in 92 mostly because of my parents and what went on behing closed doors. People thought we were the perfect little JW family yet some close to us knew my parents were off their rocker. I started to have chronic stomach pains and they went away when I left the org.


    Nikki, I had the same problem - about the last six months or so my stomach hurt EVERY day and I took Prilosec OTC to not be doubled over in pain. I also had TERRIBLE migraines on a weekly basis.

    Both of these ended up being stress-related and after leaving all but stopped! No more Prilosec OTC, no more Rx migraine meds...

  • 30girl

    I was born and raised in the 'truth.' 30 years in I finally got a spine and decided it was a crock and then I never went back. At first I went through denial - denial that I had lost my youth through no fault of my own. After denial I got ANGRY and then ANGRIER. When I got really, really Angry I sought professional help and then I got depressed. I got depressed that nothing would ever change and that I was doomed to have to dodge polite conversations the rest of my life. Recently I got really happy because I'm no longer depressed. For me it took a solid year of questioning why things happened the way they did and therapy. I'm happier now than I have been in years. This forum is a constant source of happiness. I've met up with some old friends as well.

  • candidlynuts

    i cant handle being around people anymore.. i feel like i'm being constantly judged

    just today i went to a new psychiatrist, because i'm having some probs and mentioned that i wanted to find a therapist and why..he gave me the local kingdom halls number..its the only number he has for jehovah's witnesses..i told him i dont want to be a jehovahs witness i'm trying to find a therapist to help me deal with leaving the jw's...

    he just kept trying to give me the KH's number..

    i wont be going to that doc again.

  • done4good

    I finally happy, but forever f'd up because of that mess. Makes me angry sometimes.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    just today i went to a new psychiatrist, because i'm having some probs and mentioned that i wanted to find a therapist and why..he gave me the local kingdom halls number..its the only number he has for jehovah's witnesses..i told him i dont want to be a jehovahs witness i'm trying to find a therapist to help me deal with leaving the jw's...

    he just kept trying to give me the KH's number..

    i wont be going to that doc again.

    OMG, candidly, are you serious? That's just nuts!!

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