How can we make good decisions, when we can't see into the future?

by DavidChristopher 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • DavidChristopher

    I mean really...I keep making bad decisions..that seem "right " in the short term...yet go bad in the long term.

    How is it possible for anyone to make good decisions..or be perfect..when we don't know what the end result of the decision is going to be?

    How can you make a mistake when you know what the end result of every decision is going to be? Guess you would almost have to do it on purpose.

    If Adam and Eve knew exactly what was going to happen in the end result of their decision..why would they choose to do it? They would have to be suicidal or something if they jumped off a building KNOWING it was going to kill them.

    If I knew the owner of my company was getting ready to fire me in a month...would I still be here...or would I be out trying to find another job?

    I am really confused about this.

    Can someone point me in the right direction?

  • vitty

    I always wondered why a loving god would want to leave his creation confused and bewildered, not knowing what he wants from us. He supposidly gave us his guide book, the bible. Then totally confuses it with contradicting, and prophetic blabber.

    Why didnt he just say this is how you do it. And give us something that cant be twisted and turned.

    He is a game player, just like those mythical Greek gods

  • Twitch

    Decisions make the future, no?

    Good or bad are concepts we project on events and ourselves perhaps. Perfection sounds nice in theory but is unrealistic. Doesn't mean you can't do your best.

  • Arthur
    I mean really...I keep making bad decisions..that seem "right " in the short term...yet go bad in the long term.

    Why not ask for advice from a few people before you are about to make a decision. Get input from a few other people. Sometimes it takes someone outside of us, to be able to look at a situation objectively. If we talk to a few people who have already had to make the kind of decision that we are contemplating; our chances of making a bad decision decreases.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hi David,

    Missed you. Where have you been? Good to see you back...

    Philia, star

  • moanzy

    I wonder if it is all about making good decisions or if it is about learning from any decisions or choices we make.

    Obviously there are going to be some choices that we know are bad or not worth it, but as far as the rest go, I would just try to turn the end result into something useful.


  • Warlock
    Can someone point me in the right direction?

    David, everything in life is uncertain. That is the reality of the situation. When you make your decisions be as informed as possible, but the result will always be uncertain.

    Also, making mistakes is part of the learning processes. Don't get discouraged, don't give in to fear, just do.


  • jaguarbass

    Welcome to the human condition. Do the best you can. And try not to have too many idiots whispering in your ear trying to influence your deciscions.

    Adam and Eve most likely a myth used to promote religion.

    Another possibility about Adam and Eve if they really exhisted. They got bored with paradise. They got bored with perfection. They had to stir up the crap.

  • DavidChristopher

    Hi Star!

    Sorry I have been away so long...been trying to take some of the things you guys have shared with me and putting them into practice in my life to see if we are on the right track or not.

    It has been a little rough..but things are starting to look up quite a bit now.

    My current hope and plan is basically applying these things in making my decisions and hope they take my life to a quality that everyone else will want too, then if everyone wants to do "right"(whatever that may be), my children and yours will have a bright and happy future I am content with...and we can all get some rest and have some fun with no guilty feelings to hinder us from enjoying ourselves to the fullest.

    I may not be the smartest person, or the best mechanic...but i see being the most persistant is a wide open position that needs filling. IMO

    A dedicated, eneducated, and easily led person can hand deliver a nuclear bomb and make a 50 trillion dollar star wars defense system obsolete, and the hard work and knowledge of the scientists who designed it a mere waste of their time.

    That is not an opinion either.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    Hello, glad to have you back.. I have been trying to grow and progress and make right decisions..too. So maybe when Jesus calls us..We'll be like the faithful virgins..who had enough oil..right? One foot in front of the other..that's it, right?

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