Need help locating WT destroying U.S.Buildings

by Tallyman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman

    I am in need of references to Watchtower Publications that contain images
    of United States Government buildings, especially The White House-
    depicted as being Violently Destroyed by the Watchtower Society.

    I have MUCH of the WT Literature pre-1992, and a bit of the post-1992 stuff,
    but it is such a tremendous task to sift through all this literature
    to find these Watchtower-generated images of destruction of U. S. Government
    property and buildings, as well as the text or captions accompanying such.

    Please send me the name of the Watchtower publication and page number
    and I will scan it and am in the process of making a Webpage which will
    contain all the Seditious Material I can compile on the Watchtower.
    I have the megabytes of space to do it.
    I just need help from others to point me to the locations in the WTLiterature.

    I am presently drafting an "Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
    to warn them of this Extremely Dangerous Network of Fundamentalist Fanatics who have a Global Network in place and whose intent is the Violent Overthrow of America, as well as all other governments in opposition to their Theocracy.

    Of course, this Terror Organization we know as:
    The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc.

    The FBI and all other U.S.Security Agencies need to be duly warned.

    Please help in this effort to EXPOSE these "America Haters" and "World Haters".

    As an example, here is an image in a 1988 Watchtower Publication:
    "Revelation - Grand Climax at Hand", page 52
    which depicts the destruction of MANY Government Buildings.
    I know that is the United Nations Building in the center,
    and I'm almost certain that is The White House at the far left-


    But there are many other depictions, far clearer than this one-
    many in black and white pen drawings, and others in color
    of the Destruction of Government Buildings, especially The White House,
    which was A Target
    for the Fanatical Theocratic Fundamentalists
    who rained down such destruction this past Tuesday.

    These are the images I presently need to show the appropriate authorities.

    The FBI and other agencies need to be alerted that the Absolute Largest
    "Death To America!" group is headquartered a mere 2 miles southeast,
    from where the World Trade Center used to be... just across the East River
    in Brooklyn, New York.

    Here is another image that the Watchtower provided in the same book above,
    on page 165, of their Anti-American Complex of Headquarters Buildings-
    highlighted, made most visible... with the whole of lower Manhattan
    cast in a deathly gray pall, and oddly enough, the World Trade Center
    buildings One and Two, which were completely destroyed days ago,
    are the faintest of all the buildings in Manhattan -
    the Watchtower depicts them as almost having faded from the skyline,
    in 1988.


    Please help me out in this effort.
    I am sick and disabled and have very limited energy,
    and I have to make the most efficient use of the ability to do this,
    and if others can give me the exact references, I can go to my boxes
    of WTLiterature and pull out the right publications.

    Either post these references or images or links here...
    or email me with the references (please do not send email attachments)
    at ' [email protected] '

    Now, if ever "The Time Is At Hand"... (using WT-Lingo)
    it is time to Put the Screws to this Evil Kult!


  • proplog2


    The FBI knows more than you do about the Watchtower.

  • Tallyman


    I hope you're right, but I think I'll cover all the bases
    and send them all the information I can on this Terror Organization,

    Now, can you help me out with some references,
    or just go : : : p o o f ! : : :
    in a cloud of complacency?


  • Tatiana

    Tallyman, there are two good pictures in the "Life-How Did it Get here?" book. Pages 234 and 235. One is a black and white drawing that eerily looks like NY. The other has couples standing in the foreground in rubble laughing while a church burns in the background, and what looks like a nuclear cloud hovers above.
    Page 236 shows witnesses cleaning up rubble and debrie.

    Hope this helps a little.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Here's a couple they may not be exactly what you want and then again they may.

    "Let Your Kingdom Come"(1981) page 149.

    "Worldwide Security Under the Prince of Peace"(1984) page 156-157.

    "Revelation it's Grand Climax is at Hand"(1988) page 233,213,214,246,285,52.

  • bigboi

    *shaking head sadly* Seriously, that's low.

    "life's a bitch a with a g-string and a twelve pack of Busch."

  • Tallyman

    Thanks Tatiana/April,

    I just made a post with those references you provided.


    STILL, looking, though for WT images of destruction of United States Government Buildings...


  • Julie

    Hey Tom--

    I have several WT books that I can assure you I will never need. If you'd like I'd be happy to send them to you, just e-mail me a snail mail addy and they are yours.

    Love to you friend--

  • Tatiana

    Thanks Tallyman, I like the way you presented the one of the couple smiling. I'll keep looking and let you know what I find. I think this is a great idea.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • Tallyman
    *shaking head sadly* Seriously, that's low.

    Oh Wow! This is great.
    We have a dissenting opinion amongst us.

    Okay Big Fella,
    let's have it- why do you think what I posted was "low"?

    I, for one, am very interested in your opinion on this matter.


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