Need help locating WT destroying U.S.Buildings

by Tallyman 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thirdson


    In addition to your request for pictures these thoughts and images are published on the official WTS website. I hope they won’t use these sentiments regarding the hundreds of New York firefighters and police officers killed rescuing people

    At Mount Fugen, over a dozen policemen and volunteer firemen were on duty when the superheated volcanic flow hit them. They were trying to help and protect endangered people. They were like well-meaning men and women who are immersed in improving this world. Lofty though their motives may be, "that which is made crooked cannot be made straight." (Ecclesiastes 1:15) The crooked system of things cannot be straightened out. Is it reasonable to make oneself "a friend of the world" by trying to save a worldwide system that God is determined to eliminate?

    From at this URL:


    More pictures on this site

    More happy people at seeing destruction
    (How We Know We Are in "the Last Days")


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Tallyman,

    If I do find some old stuff,

    I'll post it to you.

    Thirdson: Excellent pictures and comments!
    What a disgrace to speak in such way of
    those ready to give their life in the
    effeort to save yours!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • DannyBear


    I don't think this is an approach that will accomplish any good at all.

    It is a big leap to aquate individual jw's, and even the evil GB, with building destroying terrorists. I believe they are terrorists againt the human spirit, and responsible for many ruined lives, but to try and infer that JW's mission is to topple buildings and governments, in the sense that most CIA, FBI, would understand, is at the least overstated, if not outright false.

    To foment this kind of rumor, in the investigative arms of governments, can only do one thing....cause innocents (everyone seems to be very concerned about) to be subjected to unwarranted scrutiny.

    I don't want to see my family suffer anymore than they will from the resultant backlash of fanatical patriotisim, that will soon rear it's ugly head.

    Just something to consider.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Tallyman, I wish you sucess in your endevors.

    It may cause some small problems for the Current JW, it may force them to face certain truths about the fear indoctrination.

    But most of all it may slow the spread of JW mind control thru fear indoctrination which is very very strong.

    When a 2 year old asks a complicated question how do you answer?
    How long have you LIVED and how long has God LIVED?
    Do you think you always understand his answer?

    Tally, i swear thats the UN building getting it in that pic

  • princecharmant

    How did you feel when you shot your brother, flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood?

    How did it feel when you pulled a gun at another human being, the one you shared the same womb with?

    How did his blood look like when it flowed?

    Tallyman, you're cut from the same material as those who caused this disaster.

    Your post shows just how demented you've become.


  • Tallyman

    How did you feel when you shot your brother ...?

    Asshole, I felt NOTHING like this:

    Nor was the expression on my face EVEN REMOTELY similar to these jehovah's Witnesses above.

    How did it feel when you pulled a gun at another human being, the one you shared the same womb with?

    As I've stated many times in this forum, it felt TERRIBLE.

    You seem to be having trouble with the concept of 'Self Defense',
    so tell me (tell us), Chickenshit- will you be asking
    that same questions to the military men and women who will be
    shortly defending your life and liberty?

    And maybe reword it like:

    "How did it feel when you pulled your gun at another human being, the one you shared the same planet with?... How did their blood look like when it flowed?... even though they were going to kill you
    and as many others on this same planet as they could?"

    Tallyman, you're cut from the same material as those who caused this disaster.

    Please explain this statement.

    Your post shows just how demented you've become.

    Since I made that post yesterday, I've had many email me in support
    -yes, I have a valid email address,
    UNLIKE YOU, where people can communicate with me.

    I've been overwhelmed with their references in the WTLiterature
    to depictions of jehovah's Witnesses CELEBRATING the deaths
    of their fellow human beings.

    I've got 10Megs of Webspace, and I will fill ALL of it if I have to,
    to show the world what heartless BASTARDS these jWs are.

    And all I'm doing, is showing/advertising/distributing ONLY what appears in the literature this Watchtowerkult produces and is proud of.


    Are you a jehovah Witness in support of these DEMENTED Watchtower-produced images I have been posting?

    PrinceCharming... hoss, I think you need to find a Princess
    who can give you a kiss and transform you into a Human Being again,
    because right now, all you's showing me is that you have the
    Kult Kold Reptilian Heart of a Slimey Frog.


  • TR

    UH-OH, Prince!

    Looks like you got a problem!

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • thewiz

    Hey TR this might be the person who just trys to carry out your implication of the WTBS that you mentioned in another thread, about wishing that Bethel was located closer to the WTC.

    I can't find that thread anymore, wonder if there were any other descenting voices out there that condemned your sick and callous remarks for even those who died in the WTC. What kind of regard did you have for the WTC victims when you made that remark anyway?

    But then this forum is so completely biased against the WTBS & JWs, I am sure there were more that agreed with you than with me in your hate related remarks.

    Hate crimes can be committed against the WTBS & JWs for their religious beliefs too.

    Those pictures show what GOD will do, not the WTBS & JWs will do. This is exactly one of the things that the rulers in the first century feared about Jesus, that he was setting up a kingdom right then and there, it's also what the Jews were waiting and hoping for.

    If true then Jesus would have been rightfully killed, according to government law of treason and sedition.

    Hey Tallyman maybe you should go after the Catholic church too, they condoned the attempted Genocide of 12 million, 6 million being Jews. Also remember Rhwanda they abdicted their responsibility their too. But I guess those things aren't rememebered because where talking about Blacks and Jews. Or as one person mentioned, they basically said they were sorry. boo hoo.

    I also heard on the BBC several years ago that there are so many Catholics in the Phillipines that if they wanted they could topple the government.

  • thewiz

    BTY TR great graphic, ouch! I'm still trying to get your head out

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