Possable "New Light"?

by 2112 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I don't know Arthur. I haven't heard anything at all about any sort of "Big Announcement".

    I'm not anathema to any of the congregation elders. In fact as a former MS, they try to get me interested in serving again by throwing me some advance bones now and again. Like giving me a copy of Kingdom News 37 early, which I then made available here. The elders I know couldn't hold a secret for the life of them. So far nadda.

    Then again, we do seem to get alot of letters relatively later here in Southern Ontario. If its something the flock wouldn't like but is supposedly for their own good, it likely isn't about donations, but another level of control. Hey maybe Google has developed a special version of their search engines for the WTS (ala China) and dubs are supposed to use that. The porn withdrawals alone could make alot of dubs mad.

  • monkeyshine

    Why don't they just announce "Godzilla is coming!"

    It makes as much sense as anything else and it's way more interesting.--lol

    I wonder what would happen if they did announce that.

    'of the no sleep class'

  • blondie
  • blondie

    Godzilla in Brooklyn

  • monkeyshine

    I know this is silly but how much would you give to see that announced at the district convention?

    Say the final speaker was tied and gagged and a replacement went out there for him.

    "Brothers and sisters the governing body has a shocking revelation. GODZILLA IS COMING! We have seen it in the scriptures! The holy spirit has made this new light clear to us. Abandon your belongings for they surely will be crushed! It wasn't a pale horse after all, but a green lizard whom shall bring forth the end of this wicked system!"

    I'd give any amount of money to see the look on their faces!

  • JapanBoy

    don't you mean godzerrah! I agree with S4.......and way too much catnip.....nice!


  • sandy

    Maybe they are going to take up polygamy.

  • Seeker4


    Yeah! That's it! Instead of asking JWs to divorce their unbelieving mates, they're going to tell them to marry a few more! Makes about as much sense.

    What a dumb thread.


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