JW Lurkers with motives

by KW13 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • KW13


    that is a link to the resolution passed at the convention.

    i like this point, point 7.

    "We will resist with all our strength the spirit of the world manifested in such
    things as materialism, unwholesome entertainment, overindulgence in food and alcoholic beverages,
    the plague of pornographic material and the curiosity or temptation that lures one into association
    with outsiders through internet chat rooms. Our resolve is to be no part of world as we ‘carry on
    worship that is clean from the standpoint of our God".

    of course, lurkers don't bother me. infact as many have said, its kinda fun having them here...but what excludes you from this?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    You know KW, I have asked several of the jw apologists that come on here if they agreed with that part of the resolution.

    I am still waiting for one of them to answer. I'd have thought it's a simple enough question as well, they only have to say yes or no, you'd think they'd be able to manage that, but apparently not.

  • ScoobySnax

    What were the resolutions made at the Conventions this year anyway? I missed them.

  • earthtone

    I can't open the link.

    Well anyway, I was at this last convention. And I guess being that I was hanging in by a thread anyway, I was really amazed at how the resolution sounded. Really heil hilter, to me and a little over the top. I told my self that it was because I was spritually weak. Looking back I now realize that they really stressed the internet alot. Too the point of being utterly ridiculous. I truly believe that more witness than we realize are lurking on the internet trying to see how much of what we apostates say is true. And that witnesses have got to be leaving the organization like you would not believe.

    After they said the resolutions.. I just looked around thinking that they sounded really cultish. I wasn't thinking a cult in my mind at the time, but I guess that that is what my mind was thinking without putting a name or a specific word to how I felt. I did not agree to any of the resolutions. I just looked around at everyone like," are you serious". My mother gave me the evil eye during and after the resloutions when she saw that I was not agreeing to any of it.

  • jason bourne
    jason bourne

    I sincerely hope all lurkers...(including myself!!) come here to get informed about the WatchTower Society's controlling and manipulating ways...that they become enlightened to the secrets they didn't want them to know.....thanks JWD!!!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Here is the resolution in full:




    According to God's prophetic word and its fulfilment thus far, we are approaching an unprecedented

    time of trouble for the present world. Jesus foretold this great prophecy of the conclusion of this system of

    things: "There will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning until now, no, nor will

    occur again." In view of what was decreed, what position do we as Jehovah's Witnesses, take toward the

    world? At times the expression "the world" refers to mankind in general as at John 3: 16; however, the

    Bible plainly shows that the term "world" can sometimes refer to human society that is alienated from God.

    Note Jesus' words regarding this at John 17:14: "I have given your word to them, but the world has hated

    them because they are no part of the world, just as 1 am no part of the world." This is a vitally important

    principle by which Jehovah's Witnesses are guided. In view of the foregoing, as Jehovah's Witnesses

    assembled at this Deliverance at Hand convention, we make the following declaration and resolve:

    1. Because of our love for Jehovah and for our neighbours, we are determined to intensify our

    witness to the world of mankind regardless of their race, nationality or station in life.


    Having made an unreserved dedication to God, we are determined to give Jehovah our exclusive

    devotion. He comes first in our life.


    Just as Jesus was no part of the world, neither are we part of human society that is alienated from



    Out of loyalty to Jehovah and to his son, Jesus, we are firmly resolved not to compromise the

    Bible's righteous principles.


    We utterly refuse to become involved with the futile interfaith movements, as well as social

    programs and schemes designed to perpetuate a system that God has condemned as a failure.


    We will continue to show relative subjection to properly constituted authority, respectfully giving

    to Caesar what is Caesar's and rendering to God the things that are God's. We do not take sides

    or become involved in political controversies.

    7 .

    We will resist with all of our strength, the spirit of the world that manifests in it such things as

    materialism, unwholesome entertainment, overindulgence in food and alcoholic beverages, the

    plague of pornographic material and the curiosity or temptation that lures one into association with

    outsiders through Internet chat rooms.

    Our resolve is to be no part of the world as we carry on worship that is clean from the standpoint of

    our God. In all these ways we are determined to give evidence of being no part of the world, making that

    manifest in every aspect of our life and in our relationship with others. With the help and strength that God

    supplies and support from his inspired word, we will maintain a scripturally balanced position regarding

    this time of stress and upheaval.

    As Jehovah's Witnesses, it is our resolve to remain set apart from the world

    in accord with sound scriptural principles. We are determined to pursue this course wholeheartedly so as to

    have God's approval. Thus our expectation is to survive the end of this present wicked system of things into

    a clean, righteous and enduring new world where we will enjoy God's gift of everlasting life.

    All those in favour of adopting this resolution please say "Aye".

  • earthtone

    lmao@ myself. As I was reading it I could here the drama in the speaker's voice, trying to get me all keyed up. ha ha. I keep falling asleep and my mom kept nudging me.

  • Fisherman

    I think lurkers come here for several reasons. 1 wts investigators. 2 have doubts 3 curiosity 4 on a personal mission .

  • earthtone

    1. Because of our love for Jehovah and for our neighbours, we are determined to intensify our
    witness to the world of mankind regardless of their race, nationality or station in life. I was going to start a post of talking about this same foolishness. Why is that JW's don't care about race or nationality if you are a witness or a potenial. But will make a fuss if your worldly.

    It's like they try to say it's because they are worldly but you know it's because they are white, black or hispanic. I was really cool with this older spanish sister, but when I started dating this Mexican guy my mom flipped and it didn't have anything to do with him being wordly. I see that alot, but they try to hide behing the "worldly" status. And sometimes even if you are a witness they make a fuss. So much for love and not being prejudice.

  • czarofmischief

    One thing - does anyone ever say nay, and would it make a difference? Would the elder take it back up to Brooklyn and say, "They rejected this version, we need to redraft it. They are demanding pornography, but maybe we can meet them halfway and allow the occasional R-rated movie with boobies?"


    The other thing is, yes, the Internet is scaring them. They are not only losing people, but the smarter and more eloquent ones that have driven this movement for the past hundred years.

    Ah well. As the French say, Not my problem...


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