Enduring Test within God's Organization, a fairly nutty talk

by ackack 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ackack

    Has anyone heard this talk before? Its ... well, pretty nutty. Misrepresents all sorts of things, but a great speaker! Wish we had had more of him when I was a JW. Would have been more fun to listen to. What do you think of this talk?

  • Mysterious

    You want to paraphrase for those of us that don't want to relive a day in the KH?

  • ackack

    Oh lemme see. The basic run down is that God tests us with changing doctrine. Goes on to completely misrepresent the events of 1914-1918. Some other silliness.

    Perhaps someone else can paraphrase it a bit better.


  • Finally-Free
    The basic run down is that God tests us with changing doctrine.

    In other words, they are either calling God a liar or saying He approves of them telling lies.


  • Warlock

    Do any of you know how old that talk is? Very, very old.


  • LongHairGal

    I didn't look up this link but I am wondering if this is the talk I heard years ago. I had copy of it somewhere (bad audio, copied over and over). I am sure I got rid of it when I got rid of a lot of other things. This was from back in the days when talks were passed around and copied. We were all so thrilled to have a copy of some special talk, like it was the voice of Jesus Christ speaking!

    If I am not mistaken and if I don't have my talks mixed up, it said things along the lines of that we had to do the right thing no matter what the brothers did or did not do. We had to be zealous, etc. even if others were not zealous, and so on. It might have used the analogy of a forest and how the brothers were like trees, and some were struck by lightning, some were dead trees, etc. We were to look at the forest as a whole.

    All in all, it was a good talk but because I feel the way I do about the whole org. it makes me sad to think about it.


  • xjwms

    Enduring a test at my hall goes like this

    Can you survive the GOSSIP.?

  • luna2
    In other words, they are either calling God a liar or saying He approves of them telling lies.

    Now, isn't that clever. Jehoover is just testing his holy peoples, tryin' to find out who's naughty and who's nice. I thought they said that the Great and Powerful Jah doesn't do tricksy stuff like that.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    We had the occasional entertaining public talk amongst all the dross, but I wouldn't want to hear them again, or any other talk by a jw.

  • MsShockJock

    Oh my god! A sister gave me this talk on a cassette tape years ago when I first came into the congregation. I thought it was so inspiring when I was a witness and listened to it more than once. Listening to it now makes me realizes what this talk actually does to people in the organization.

    First off it makes you think that you have to take all kinds of abuse from the friends and elders because you don't know if you are being tested by Jehovah and you have to endure it because it's a test.

    Second, the whole thing about the communist spy infiltrating the organization just to betray the brothers to the communist government made the friends suspicious of the people inside the organization thinking that everybody had an ulterior motive for becoming a witness. Made the friends xenophobes. Why are they here? Do they really love Jehovah or are they just playing along for some selfish motive. Not a healthy talk when I listen to it now.

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