I thought Babylon the Great had fallen

by beautifulisfree 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    Rutherford brought it upon himself being thrown in prison! Not the religious leaders.

    Rutherford bypassed the editorial committee and told Woodworth and Fisher to write The Finished Mystery book on his own.

    That the book was inviolation of some aspects of the Espionage Act was not the fault of the clergy, the clergy did not tell Woodworth and Fisher what to write.

    This is an example of Rutherford and The Watchtower both not taking responsibilty for their own actions, but rather trying to put blame on other religions.


  • stevenyc

    According to The Christian Science Monitor, as of 1998 there were 4.7 billion adherantce to 'Babylon the Great'. Quite staggering next to the 0.006 billion Jdubs.


  • listen

    "My understanding was that it is out of favour with god, but is still able to function until the UN steps in and destroys it." This was my understanding too, (of WT-speak), and that this happened in 1918. But, - But, - But, ----- when was it in favour with god? All the time before 1918? Anything wrong with this picture? And how come that many sectors of "Babylon the Great" are still growing while JW lose membership in US? Apperently this ex JW feels the same way. Click http://www.e-watchman.com/essays/what-is-great-tribulation.html

  • lowden

    I always understood that apart from falling in relation to its hold on the WTS, that it had also fallen in regard to its hold on the ordinary person. Churches closing down and people not respecting priests in the way they did at one time.

    The thing that they didn't seem to harp on about as much though, was the decline in other religions apart from Christendom.

    I know they have produced articles attempting to say that Eastern religion is on the decline too but ( although i don't have the figures) that really doesn't seem to be the case.

    Islam is HUGE!

    Hinduism is still very prevalent and powerful in the East, as is Bhuddism.

    The list could go on.

    Just because Christendom appears not to hold sway anymore in the Western world doesn't mean Babylon has fallen!!

    To say that 'Babylon has fallen' because some American blokes from a tiny, tiny religion got out of jail is not only hilarious but also extremely pompous and arrogant. But what's new.



  • james_woods

    Plus, Lowden - you have to combine this naive arrogance with such nonsense as those "seven mighty trumpet blasts"!

    Trumpet blatst = (some talks at some conventions about80 years ago that nobody even listened to or could remember to save their lives, including today's JWs) -

    And you get a picture of an ogranization that is so self-deluded with its own perceived granduer that it practically overshadows that nutbar in California that went around saying he was the "emperor of the United States of America"!

  • lowden



    Poppycock!! It's all poppycock dear boy. (To be said in a POSH English accent)



  • observador

    Great BABY is alive and very very well!!!

    In Brazil there has been a surge in Protestant Evangelical religions of all sorts. When a business fails, one of these churches open right where the supermarket/car dealer/store was. They are simply everywhere!!!

    The other day, I pointed this fact to a JW friend of mine. He thought for a moment and then changed subject.

    Baby is very well and greater than ever... and they know it!


  • JH

    I see more people attend Babylone the great congregation than my former JW congregation.

    I think that the JW's religion has fallen, with their ZERO growth here.

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