Experiences the WTS does not want you to hear at the Assembly!!!

by thepackage 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul

    The roping off of the upper levels at many convention halls is to prevent young people from disappearing into the upper levels for a bit of extra-curricular activity. Those experiences never made it to the program, either.

  • jstalin

    Wouldn't it be great to find that nun today and get her testimony on her experience as a JW? That's probably why they don't publish names in those Watchtower articles - so you can't follow up or verify anything!

  • Crumpet

    ANyone remember that assembly where the blue YPA book was released? Well that was the one where all the youfs between 11 and 18 or something had to sit in a separate stand. We ALLL believed in God that day. No parents in sight! That was the day I learned about BJs!!!!

  • undercover
    the speaker started talking about the London bombings. He said how there were three people on the bus, the one in the middle was a JW and was reading his days text. When the explosion happened a young girl next to him had her leg(s) blown off and the person on the other side was killed, the JW however was barely scratched. My study conductor later expained how you will always be protected if you have your days text or any other bible literature with you.

    The speaker then told of a girl who was on her way to work in London on the morning of 07/07. As she rushed to catch her train she remembered that she hadn't read her days text that morning so she turned round and went straight back home again. This resulted in her missing the train which turned out to be the one with the bomb.

    I despise those type experiences. Whenever I hear these type things it makes my blood boil.

    What if you had been injured or killed in an accident, act of war or terrorism? Would that mean somehow that you didn't have Jehovah's blessing? What if one of your loved ones was someone who was killed or injured in a similar situation? How is that supposed to make you feel about your dead loved one? Wouldn't you question why Jehovah didn't protect them?

    Right after 9/11 I started hearing about how some JWs were "protected" because they refused a job with a swanky company in the WTC or how they took vacation to pioneer and were not present the day of the attacks. What about the 13 JWs who did die? Were they less faithful? Did they not have Jehovah's protection? What about the JW firefighter who died? He ran in to help people and lost his life Why didn't Jehovah protect him? Because he was trying to save "worldly" people?


  • Zuko


    Please tell me you gave a guy a BJ during the afternoon program...........................

    That would be an all time classic story

  • TopHat
    What about the 13 JWs who did die? Were they less faithful? Did they not have Jehovah's protection? What about the JW firefighter who died? He ran in to help people and lost his life Why didn't Jehovah protect him? Because he was trying to save "worldly" people?

    This is the first I have heard about JWs who died at the 9/11 attack on the WTC...Is there an article somewhere?

  • fullofdoubtnow
    ANyone remember that assembly where the blue YPA book was released? Well that was the one where all the youfs between 11 and 18 or something had to sit in a separate stand. We ALLL believed in God that day. No parents in sight! That was the day I learned about BJs!!!!

    Yes Crumpet, I remember that, it was , I think, In 1989. I remember all the youngsters having to sit in the same area - relief for them and their parents, from what I can recall, but not such a good day for the attendants in that part of the stadium.

    I noticed how in the experiences given at dcs, no one was named as well, apart from one I attended, I think it was 1998 at Wolverhampton, where Peter Knowles, an ex professional footballer who gave up the game to become a jw, gave some of his experiences. I can't rmember too much of what he said though, but he seemed to have no regrets about giving up a promising career for the jws.

  • Grouper

    Moomin, welcome and UC Hello.

    Those experiences you speak about are disgusting and it is a shame a religion would have to sink that low to show God's favor, protection.

    Here in the states Katrina got that kind of play.

    2005's circuit assembly or special day, don't remember don't care, the CO spoke about the tsunami destruction in Indonesia and how sad it was for all and how they should not blame god for this occuring, that all sounded good to me and I was actually some what impressed with his concern for the people in that region, but then he started talking about how a couple lost there life's who were vacationing but another family who was vacationing and went out preaching got saved.

    He then said "what has the FDS told us about our vacations, thats right that we should not neglect spiritual obligations". I got so Fukn Pissed Off that after the assembly was done I was going to approach him and remind him of all the JW who have died while preaching or at Kingdom Halls and also ask him what day is it safe to take the day off from Jahs acititivies to make sure this didn't happen to me, well I wasn't going to meetings anymore and my wife saw how pissed I was and stopped me.

    There was plently posted on this site about the Tsunami if you get a chance read them.

    Crumpet, that is so awesome.

    Now was the guy looking at the masturbation chapter while this was going on or maybe the chapter on sex.

  • vitty

    Hey fullofdoubt

    I went to wolverhamton until we moved away in 03..................just think I could have sat next to you

  • Seeker4

    Even as a Witness, I was always disturbed by experiences like those mentioned here. It seemed so odd that Jehovah would "protect" some Witnesses in a situation like this, and then let others die.

    I had a son who was abused by a JW cousin for five years. During that time, at an assembly, I heard an experience about a pioneer sister who needed a pair of winter boots. We live in Vermont, so this is a serious issue. Well, this pioneer sister stopped at a yard sale, and here were TWO pair of winter boots in her size. She bought one, not buying the other because that would have seemed "too materialistic."

    I was an elder then, but when I got home from the assembly, I remember telling my wife, with considerable anger, that our son must have been abused while Jehovah was busy making sure this pioneer sister got her winter boots.

    What fucking idiots the Witnesses are at times. Experiences like this are soooo counterproductive. Any Witness with a brain, or half a brain, knows these sort of experiences are idiotic, and reveal an incredibly stupid god.


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