Celebrating holidays

by dobbie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The thought we had as JWs was that all good JWs did not celebrate any holidays


    All bad non-JWs celebrated all holidays with fervor and gusto.

    Actually, some JWs tiptoe as close as they can to celebrating some, even renaming them, "special day."

    In fact, many non-JWs don't celebrate holidays or b-days, not because they think they are pagan, but they lack any interest in doing so. I have non-JW relatives that haven't put up a tree for 30 years...don't want the expense, makes a mess, too much work, etc. Some have a special meal, some just go out, some don't bother.

    So you must do what your heart leads you to do.


  • damselfly

    I love the holidays!! I didn't celebrate anything for probably the first 6 years that I was out but I'm making up for lost time now. I love Christmas and Birthdays the most.


  • penny2

    I have two parallel lives. At work I happily and comfortably celebrate birthdays. For my last birthday I was made to feel special the whole day - from the balloons and flowers in my office in the morning to the donuts in the afternoon. And lots in between. I felt so good - especially as no-one else's birthday gets celebrated to that extent (the others don't come to work on their birthday and they can't understand why I don't follow that tradition).

    Apart from those "within the office" occasions, I haven't as yet been to a birthday party. If I did and my jw family found out, they would shun me from that day forward (the parties I have an opportunity to attend are for non-jw extended family and the news would travel).

    It's a dilemma but I live with it for now.


  • nowisee

    birthdays do not bother me at all as there seems to even be scriptural precedent for it in the book of Job. i am still uncomfortable with others like xmas, definitely halloween, easter (astarte???) etc.

  • earthtone

    Me personally I have never understood what was the big deal in giving thanks to God for all his blessing by gathering together the most important people in you life (family). I celebrate Thanksgiving, I love the whole family getting together and I have been celebrating that for about 4 years unbeknowist to my mother (JW). I wouldn't mind b-day's, valentines/sweetest days, (Memorial day /Labor Day to bbq), but I couldn't get into christmas or easter. And possibly Hallow's eve, the kids look so cute.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I want sooo much to put up a christmas tree. I became a jw as soon as I moved on my own and I never have decorated a tree for myself. Whenever I can I sit by Christmas trees and just stare. My problem is I am surrounded by jw family and that would be the end of our relationships. Sometimes I just want to go somewhere at Christmas and rent and put up a tree. I don't know when I'll grow a spine and just do it at home. There is nothing wrong with holidays-nothing. If the Christian Jews could celebrate their holidays after the law covenant was nullified, then who are the jws to say we can't use our conscience today.

    I cry because I raised my children in this mind control and total lunacy, but I can't change it now. I see my worldly relatives getting together for holidays and I realize what my children and I am missing out on-family time that is so special. The jws take so much away from you. I wish I had never heard of them.

  • morty

    My first christmas was at 19 and my first b-day was 18...It was a little wierd doing the christmas thing with my family but, quickly adapted to it...love it now....favorite time of year for me!!!

    One thing I wish I had experienced as a kid was Halloween,,,Use to burn my a$$ as a kid to go to school after everyone had trick-or-treated the night before....They all had cool treats and great bragging stories for the next day and here I would sit with my lunch that had a healthy apple, carrot sticks and peanut butter sandwich to boot...not to mention a lovely thermos full of milk!!!

    bitter?? hell no!!!...

    anyways, I made up for it with my kids....they always had the best costumes and the best decorated house on the street and everyone yacked about it at school....

  • lowden

    I don't really GET Christmas and i have no desire at all to celebrate the birth of an ancient jewish bloke who i don't agree with anymore.

    Being a witness for 15 years may have affected my attitude towards Crimbotime but i'm afraid i just see it as one big commecial con nowadays, as many people do.

    Easter? Nope.

    Birthdays? Celebrating my 40th this weekend with a big party. I've accomplished alot in my life and i think i deserve a big 'pat on the back'. I won't subscribe to the 'self-hating' JW lifestyle anymore.

    Party on people....



  • Dansk

    I celebrate everything!


  • KW13

    i like celebrating them, but at Birthdays i get the feeling i 'don't deserve this' and at Christmas i usually feel like i am on the outside looking in BUT saying that, its getting better.

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