
by Honesty 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • luna2

    Depression is widespread throughout society. I'd say that almost half of my friends (non-JWs all) are taking depression meds.

    The thing about dubs is that given that they say they are the happiest people on earth, are living in a spiritual paradise right now, are surrounded by loving brothers and sisters at the Kingdung Hall, are basking in the sunshine of Jehoho's favor, and have a super duper, extra special hope that they will live forever and ever without all of us defective rejects, you'd think that they'd be freer from the debilitating effects of depression and melancholy. Isn't it funny that they are just as, if not more, depressed than the world in general.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    I would consider depression as having a firm grip on "Jehovah's Organization". I'm still in its clutches, though winning the battle. I have been off depressants since May last year. It occasionally haughts me though, but I'm determined to not let it control my life forever.

    The only coping methods for JW's are, as brought out by previous posters:

    1) Depressants

    2) Field service and more field service with an absolutely resolve not to miss meetings

    What about prayer to God? I hardly hear that mentioned among the throngs of depressed souls in the WTS.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • anewme


  • bigmouth

    Wonderwoman I think your reply was quite succinct. Welcome by the way!
    I noticed during my various times at outpatients therapy groups at hospital, a number of younger witnesses have come and gone without any progress made. I remember seeing one getting whipped out by daddy elder.
    I often wonder if I joined the organisation with the hope that the 'good news' would soothe my tormented mind. I found that my low self worth was worsened by my never seeming able to keep up with all the 'work'.

    Once I became suicidal, I got put into the too hard basket. Listening to others on JWD has been an enormous help along with appropriate meds and talk therapy.I've not been in hospital for nearly a year now


  • bigmouth

    I just realized that I never answered Honestys question!
    I was always aware of a lot of illness in the congregations here. I didn't know what depression was in my early years and just accepted that the general downtrodden feeling everyone had was the effect of living in this ' wicked old system '. I now know depression when I see it and it is rampant throughout the Org.

  • bikerchic

    Depression was widespread among the JW's when I was in. One of the reasons is that they don't have coping skills. Think of it;

    1. they are told to pray more
    2. go out in service more
    3. attend more meetings
    4. associate with the bros and sisters more

    It's all about doing MORE when some of these poor souls can barely care for themselves let alone their families they are made to feel guilt and shame that they aren't doing MORE for Jehovah. Doing MORE is not a coping skill for a depressed person. That is a human doing not a human being.

    Taking care of oneself is high on the list of learning to cope with depression. Some of the ways one does this is;

    1. Get proper medical and or psychiatric help
    2. Get proper medicine, rest and exercise
    3. Therapy may be necessary
    4. Avoid outside activities until stabilized, IE; meetings!

    I've been told that depression is anger turned inward, now what would Jehovah's happy people have to be angry about? Could it be that most of them come from dysfunctional families to begin with and have not learned good coping skills let alone good life skills. Combine that with being in a cult which basically indoctrinates the belief system that you don't see what you see, hear what you hear or feel what you feel (a learned behavior of most dysfunctional structures) because you are Jehovah's happy people.

    Another thing JW's do is misinterpret the scripture at Ephesians 4:26: Be wrathful, and yet do not sin; let the sun not set with YOU in a provoked state, to mean do not get angry! I wish I had a dollar for every time the emphasis was put on not being angry! The scripture tells one to own your anger (be wrathful) we have a right to our anger when someone has wronged us we should speak up, what is does say is not to sin we don't have the right to cause harm to another due to our anger. Again this is a learned coping skill which goes by the wayside of many JW's. Instead they stuff their anger and become more depressed.

    Sorry I really had to let that out.....I suffered suicidal depression most all of my years as a JW and it took me several years to unlearn and re-educate myself to get out of my depressed state and learn to be a real human being, not a human doing. Although to this day it hounds me at various times.

  • Carmel

    Awh yes! The "new system of things" (ie paradise) will have a giant pharmacutical tree growing on each plot. (prozak: new name for fig)


  • bigmouth

    " hounds me"- bikerchic.
    Must be why they call it 'the black dog'!

  • bikerchic


  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    I went through much therapy and meds and I am so happy to have overcome JW induced depression. I had a double impact to overcome since my genetic medical condition causes depression, plus the complications it causes also causes depression.

    So it is wonderful to be FREE from it all. No matter how difficult of a day I am having, that black cloud is part of the past. Anybody remember the movie, "Joe Versus the Volcano" remember his; brain cloud....

    I have not met one JW that was not suffering from depression. Not one. They live in denial. They wait for paradise to be happy.

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