September km- They're coming for you

by sspo 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    Have just seen number 10 in Blondie's post - i always thought relatives were allowed to talk to expelled family members and that the parents/children that ignore df'd da'd ones were just extremists. But now i can see it there in black and white from the wts themselves!Will have to show this to hubby he says if he left properly he'd be cut by his mother and i can see it now.Sorry to prattle on but i've never seen anything from the wts before about not associating with ex jw that are family members - evil twits.

  • bavman

    Somehow I think I fit into the category of 'apostate, have made it known I don't want their help, and possessing dangerous, critical attitude, wrongdoer....'

    I doubt I will be receiving a visit.

  • Honesty

    I doubt that I'll be receiving a visit, either.

    I Da'd in November 2004 and the only news I've heard is that they do a drive-by with new members of the congregation to make sure they know not to call on the 'Apostate' who lives in that white house.

    If they do happen to overcome their fear, I'll make sure they get a good dose of real witnessing before they leave.

  • Alpheta

    Okay, one last post before I go out gardening. Is it certain that this policy (this doesn't sound like a new policy to me, I thought they were supposed to visit "us" at least once a year) applies to those who DA'd too? Since I DA'd in October 2003 I haven't heard a word or had a visit from any elders. I have mixed feelings about it; on the one hand, I think it would be amusing to see the brothers again, invite them in to my beautiful, well-furnished home (much better than they have, brag brag brag), offer them premium coffees and luxury desserts, listen to their "pitch" and then question them about whether the Society has changed its stance regarding the handling of pedophiles. On the other hand, since I know they haven't, and since I know that even if they did, I would never go back, it would be a waste of time. So, it comes down to - am I such a person that I'd want to rub it in the noses of the elders, so to speak? Hmmm....

  • Blueblades

    Nothing new here. It is a once a year thing. Elder's don't like to do this if they can avoid it. Usually one or two elder's will make a call or visit. They make it brief. If you are stupid enough to say I want to return, then you are in for the third degree. Elder's meet with you on their turf, So tell us what have you been doing all this time with yourself? Watch out how you answer their questions. Sex, drinks, internet, bars, social worldly gatherings, smokes, religion, politics, anything juicy that they can get you to admit. They won't believe that you were a hermit all this time.


  • BluesBrother

    I wonder how they find the time when they are too busy to assist the ailing but sincere members of their flock.

    I did some of these visits when I was an elder. As someone said, the idea was to just check whether the subject was receptive, not get into a debate. So if you fancy one , better feign some interest!

    We did have at least one success . A guy who was previously known to be anti but this time around he did want to talk to us. He started attending, was reinstated and was a happy dub, last time I saw him. A nice man with a great sense of humour . It is a pity that he could not make a success of life outside and wanted to go back..

  • xjwms

    If its DA and DF

    they won't be visiting me...... the fader.

    Its really so much better when no one from there even calls. Thats why on a saturday I run off to the office.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    I think the Society is between a rock and a hardplace on this one, if they don't visit the Df'd and DA'd and inactive ones they won't ever recover any of the losses (or so they think) but in having the current elders visit these one's, especially now that we all have all this info at our fingertips thanks to the almighty internet, they risk having the elders eyes opened or having a seed of doubt planted and sometimes that is all that is needed for them to do some research in the privacy of their own homes on the issues raised by the disgruntled ones.

    YES WATCHTOWER keep telling your idiot elders to go and visit these people, it will only add to our numbers and we'll have more undercover elders out there!!!!


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Come on guys, don't any of you need some 'spiritual' encouragement! Jehovah misses you.

  • xjwms

    Thanks Drew

    Words I have not heard in a while

    ya thanks

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