Are JW's cold people?

by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    In all the years I attended meetings, I don't recall seeing anyone kiss anyone there......

    All I saw were handshakes.

    Not even any hugs.

    I thought of this a few days ago, when my cousin came over to visit my old parents, and when he left, he gave a warm handshake and slight hug to my dad and hugged and kissed my mom on each cheek.

    You don't see this at the KH.

  • serendipity

    People down here don't tend to kiss each other socially/platonically, but I saw plenty of hugging at the KH. I usually hugged the older sisters and the little kids.
    Edited to add: I attended English-speaking congs. The Spanish congs may be warmer.

  • JH

    I would have loved to hug a sister.

    Gee, brothers didn't shake sisters hands very much, just other brothers.

  • serendipity


    I would shake a brother's hand. It's habit for me since I do it in my work life. And you know, hugging the opposite sex could lead to fornication.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    my congo hugged and kissed all the time. I got my fair share

    w-a-c- "Of the hug me cause i love it class" - especially from the hot seƱoritas... aya yay!

  • sspo

    If you need hugs go to a Spanish congregation, everyone hugs and greets one another

    Americans are on the cold side but if you go to some Scandanavian KH in Europe, you will find out what coldness is all about.

    Not putting anyone down but it boils down to culture

  • plmkrzy

    We did hug a lot but...I don't know why.

    It wasn't that way at all the KH's I attended but one KH in particular was a huggin' bunch of people. If I saw someone at the meeting that I hadn't seen for sometime I would always give them a great big hug.

    Unless it was someone I didn't like.

  • thecarpenter

    Actually, in the English congregations it is very cold, way too rigid. If you go the the foreign congregations, such as the Spanish, Portuguese, French, etc... you will see a lot of hugging, kissing and warm expressions of affection. It is integral part of their culture. What I have noticed though is when the brothers in charge are more serious such as what you see in the English, the warmth starts to cool off.

  • luna2

    Hrm...some JWs are more reserved and some are very warm and huggy. I've known both types in both congos I've attended. There were even a few very huggy brothers...mostly guys who were very secure in happy marriages. Not a lot of kissing, though.

  • JH

    Well it's nice to see than many were warm witnesses and could do more than give a cold handshake.

    I remember a strict elder in my congregation many years ago telling brothers not to shake the hands of sisters, now I don't recall if it was for single brothers and sisters or to everyone.

    It was as if they were telling us plainly, "why make physical contact with the other sex"?

    Gee, I remeber that a few years later, it was all of a sudden OK to shake the hands of sisters again....

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