the good, the bad, the ugly and the weird

by wasasister 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF

    You trolling for a fight?

    Damn, Danny, go down to the gym and work it off on a punching bag, man. Or put in the tape and do a little Tae Bo. You're the one talking about a time to kill, man, not me. I got the impression you wanted to be taken seriously, so I asked you some serious questions. You want to kill? Who have you personally singled out as your target? Was your answer serious... you don't need a target? If so, then, do you just intend to shoot in amongst mankind until you don't feel the urge to kill any more?


  • GinnyTosken


    I prefer the phrase as a whole, just as it is presented between semicolons in the verse:

    a time to kill, and a time to heal;

    As I said to Amazing, I think the difference between us is that you want to quickly amputate a whole leg. My hope is that all involved will use surgical precision and try to heal the rest of the leg.


  • DannyBear


    I was not quoting anything, as I have drawn to Ginny's attention.
    My words were very similar sounding to Ecc. 3, and even if you want to say I was making an attempt to quote them, nothing I said contradicts what the scripture in fact states. It was not a quote.

    My response to your post was predicated on the glaring judgementalism it displayed. Not only the title of your thread, indicated your conclusion about certain poster's comments, you went so far as to show you total disdain for each individuals comments, by directly quoting the comments, you found offensive.

    I tried, but obviously failed to express my exceptions to your post without offending you. That was not my intention. I should have left out the part about 'your friends' being abusive...but I felt that comparison offered the best anology, of the current events and how emotions and feelings are or should I say be very subjective, in this time of passion.

    I did not want you to change your thinking, only to understand why some of these good, bad, ugly and weird comments are made.


  • wasasister

    "a time to kill and a time to heal"

    These words have endured for a reason; they are an example of poetry in the style of contrasting and balancing ideas. To re-write them to suit your purpose diminishes the original purpose: presenting both sides of an issue. Perhaps some need to remember this point.

  • Farkel


    What happened to old-fashioned copulation as a stress-reliever? That solved a whole BUNCH of problems over millenia!

    Do people spend so much time arguing on-line that they forget the BASICS of human stuff?

    I don't know. I know that copulating is pretty fun, though. It certainly can't hurt and many non-dubs actually ENJOY doing it.


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • DannyBear


    Again I was not quoting from the Bible. Secondly my view of the Bible is such, that I do not offer it up as any kind of final word, on any matter.

    It was in that very spirit I offered my translation of this poetic verse(s). They Ecc 3 do in fact reflect some real truths about life, again I feel as though I must add this unnecessary caviat IMO. Why I don't know.

    Now you want to select a verse from the Bible and use it to make your point? I just can't win for losing eh?


  • wasasister

    Danny: I still don't get where we disagree.
    People shouting "shut up" at each other; calling to execute each other; saying they are armed and will can you possibly defend such statements?

    Yet you say I should excuse it based on their motivations. Fine, let's do that. In the same line of reasoning, can you understand why Ginny would try to humanize those people in Arabic countries who might not be involved in acts of terror?

    I'm saying that I saw some disturbing comments from posters here. Extreme, frightening, angry, violent. If you don't find that ugly, then we must agree to disagree.


  • DannyBear


    I think your right. I will now proceed to go and copulate!

  • DannyBear


    Again you pass judgement on me. I did not say that the comments were not disturbing. Any talk of killing or going to war, is the ultimate in disturbing.

    All I was asking of you, was to extend the same spirit of understanding and compassion, toward those who do not share your (and apparently Ginny's) disdain for killing, when it is the right "time" to do so. Many of us here feel that this attack was an act of war against us, so you either will choose to fight evil with evil. Or take the peaceful way, there is no inbetween on this one. IMO.


  • wasasister

    I believe you have misunderstood me. I can't speak for Ginny.

    I never indicated there was not an appropriate time to take action against murderers. I only found hatred and unfounded anger to be ugly. People were expressing violent thoughts against those who merely disagreed with them on this board. Others called for bombing people before the facts are clear. Once again, I am not passing judgement against you. None of the quotes I used as examples (and I did not name posters) were yours. I find it strange that you should champion the cause of those who call for extreme measures.

    I disagree with your statement: "...there is no inbetween on this one." If the extremes are kill the first thing that makes a good target or do nothing - there certainly is a middle ground.

    That's it for tonight folks. I'm off to bed.

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