Extro or Intro? and Why do you think that is?

by Crumpet 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I've noticed a few people on here saying that they don't mix well or prefer not to - there's a particular bird avatar i have in mind and its not the emu but the name escapes me (W?)

    I'm interested to know if since you left the borg you find yourself extrovert or introvert? What effect did your upbrining have? How have you combatted that or do you have separate sides - one ultimately self sufficient, maybe you long for company but deny yourself and others the pleasure for fear of emotional proximity? Or you are making up for lost time and making contacts left right and centre?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I'm kind of leaning towards introvert . I have made a few new friends since leaving the org, but I don't go out of my way to meet new people. I have always been like that, I haven't changed since leaving the jws. I don't go out that much really, maybe a couple of times a week at most with Trev to his local pub, a bit of a homebird I suppose.


  • twinflame

    I'm a very strong introvert in rl. Board posting makes me less self conscious. I remember at the KH just sitting there and only talking to people who came to talk to me even after years of being in the same hall. People probably thought I was a snob but really, I just have a hard time approaching people.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I don't think I fit on one end of the continuum or the other. I find myself in the middle. I am not afraid to contact or speak to anyone - but I think the witness experience has left me feeling like a square peg in a round hole at times.

    I was never one of the 'hip' or 'beautiful' people. I am absolutely one who blends in a crowd without any distinction. I don't get noticed and so I just kind of stay to myself more than I wish I did.

    I love people - and conversation - but I don't know how to put myself in the right place at the right time. But I think I am doing better than I was, and I really get along fine without too many friends I suppose.


  • james_woods

    I thought this thread was about belly-buttons when I read the title.

    Oh, well - introvert.

    Except sometimes on JWD. The ex-poster ezra did wonders for my self-esteem and ability to verbalize my feelings.


  • misanthropic

    I used to think I'm an introvert but everyone who knows me well would say otherwise. I guess it just depends on what's going on, I can have a great time at a function with lots of other people but I have days where I just want to stay home and not run into or see anyone.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm an introvert...unless I really like you, then I don't shut up.

  • kazar

    When I first left JW's I was extroverted, wild and crazy. Making up for lost time. The past two years I settled down and have become interoverted. I was extremely introverted as a child--probably because of my upbringing with dysfunctial alcoholic parents and relatives.

  • thecarpenter

    I find myself just the opposite. I became much more outward going as I started leaving the jdubs. The reason for this is that I decided I am not going to let this cult move me to self-destructive behavior. I guess several years ago I started slowly developing my exit plan and as I moved away from the dubs, I started doing more interesting stuff (sometimes in a big and visible way). This really peeved the elders but there was nothing they could do scripturally because I wasn't breaking any laws.

    I am making lots of contacts and getting in touch with old friends and making new ones. I still feel a little anxious at times but if it doesn't kill me will make me stronger.

    I'm looking forward to attending my first apostfest in the northeast, do they do them up here?

  • Twitch

    When I left many years ago, I cut loose in a lot of ways, one being opening myself up to meeting and talking to just about anybody about anything. So hungry for new experiances, both my own and others. Had a rather eclectic group of friends from different crowds and revelled in the differences and associations that were until then forbidden (or at least hidden from dub view) Of course, being raised a dub brought a certain naivety about people as well and learned some hard lessons. But overall, there are no regrets. I became and still am the kind to dive right in, especially when I have that old dub instilled fear. However, these days I find I've retreated somewhat and have become a little more cautious with people.

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