I was turned down by the Mormons.....lol

by whyamihere 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • whyamihere

    Yeah, they are not coming back anymore......lol

    I guess as they told me, I bashed their beliefs and their religion - I don't accept the Gospel of Jesus and Joseph Smith in to my heart....lol

    Dammit, I was having fun with them too. I proved them wrong, and they couldn't answer my questions. They told me, I didn't pray well enough to the Book of Mormon and that's why I am too unfaithfully technical. What the hell? All my questions and statements were answered with, "We know its the truth" "Our prayers are answered by god and we know this is right". I told them I have prayed too, but God is telling me they are wrong. "What if their "Prophets" think they are talking to god, yet they are not and it is just a voice in their head?" People are in institutes with flashy straight jackets living in a padded room because they think they talk with god. They didn't like that comment, because "They know its true, they prayed about it!"

    I have been told many times that I need to have faith in God and the men who are instructed by god. Yeah, they are not coming back and I was just getting warmed up.


  • lonelysheep

    Yeah, I don't think they'll be visiting you, again!

    You couldn't be convinced, you bad girl!

  • bebu

    I've been in that circular argument, too. You really get dizzy!!

    "What if I pray... and I don't get the answer you do?"

    "Pray again!"

    Actually, I would rather ask them if God thinks we should pray whether adultery is alright. The answer should be no, of course, for the answer is already given. And so, if all indications are that Joseph Smith was a pious fraud, and false prophet to boot, why on earth would I pray about something I already have the answer to? (Hint, Deut 18)

    Their fraud issues have to be resolved before I can ever pray with a clear conscience. And I have never seen any reasonable resolution--just "pray harder".


  • JH

    I hate talking about religion no matter who knocks at my door. Everybody thinks they have the truth.

    I just say thank you and good bye.

    Gee, I must have been a cat in my previous life.... cause I'm so independent

  • stillajwexelder

    with your alcohol consumption honey , there is no way they would let you becomea Mormon

  • thecarpenter

    Yes, you are a bad girl in need of a spanking

    thecarpenter of the volunteer to spank class.

  • ButtLight

    You are totally whacked Brooke! And thats all I have to say! (go play with the catholics now)

  • whyamihere
    with your alcohol consumption honey , there is no way they would let you becomea Mormon

    Not just that, you can't have Coffee......lol. I'm screwed before I get into their church.

    (go play with the catholics now)

    Oh I have, they don't play with me either.....lol.

  • JH
    go play with the catholics now

  • whyamihere
    Yes, you are a bad girl in need of a spanking

    **bends over** I am bored now, who wants to play????

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