Heres a dub who knows how to milk the disaster

by GWEEDO 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Free Eagle
    Free Eagle

    Well, I strongly disagree with you ITGUY.

    You had stated "the JW's were only doing what they do because they were raised and
    trained that way".

    That does not justify their actions! To prey upon people in their most vulnerable moments is
    never OK. There is no excuse!


  • ITguy

    Shaneliza: Brainwashed or not brainwashed isn't the issue here. The ones going don't view themselves as point was they're doing what they think is the right thing to do. They're not there thinking this is a boon to "recruiting" efforts.

    Littletoe: Valid point.

    Namewithheld2: I'm not going to dispute that many JW's don't enjoy field service, and are doing it because it's required. That wasn't my point and isn't relevant to this discussion anyway. I was speaking specifically of the ones mentioned in that post. While of course I can't read their minds from that e-mail, they sure seemed to be out service because it was the right thing to do, and appear to ones that "buy in lock stock and barrel" as you put it. I'm just saying they think it's a good thing to do, to share their hope with ones who are confused and concerned with World Affairs. If they really feel that way, then your beef should be with the WTS, and not with these ones actually out in the field. Sort of a "Don't shoot the messenger" type of deal.

  • Cygnus

    If I believed in Jehovah, and that the great tribulation was near...........

    Get the point?

    We can talk all we want about what JWs _should_ be doing and saying, but the fact is that JWs are a very small portion of all of the people who are interested in their own benefit. That's natural. I think it's unfair to criticize the JWs for their concern about their own.

  • CornerStone

    Hello All,

    I think Shaneliza has a valid point. The citizens of NYC DON'T need people trying to recruit them at this time.

    Here's a novel idea; let the fds set up assistance points around the area to provide food, medicine, and a shoulder to cry on for both rescue workers and other people affected by this horrible situation.
    They have the money and they have the manpower. They have it within their power to do good "to all men", don't they? Of course they do!

    Just this Monday I gave some food and a little change to a man I often see begging for change. It was just a little kindness. Not to much effort for me at all. I did not draw attention to myself and wanted no "recognition" anyway. I just simply wanted to help him in his time of need. You are many and rich. Can't you show a little kindness for those in need in your own back yard?

    Here's a warning to you fds, if you shut up the doors of kindness of you hearts to your fellow man, if you "lock your doors" to the suffering and grief your neighbors are enduring, if you say in your hearts, "It's not our problem.", then EXPECT EVERYONE to do the same to you in your time of trouble!

    Including the God you profess to worship!

    Jesus never turned the needy away, do you?


  • ITguy

    Free Eagle.

    Comparing JW's sharing (they feel) a comforting hope of God creating a paradise earth with religious fanatic terrorists killing thousands of people is a logical connection. They're both preying on innocent people. Don't know how I missed it.

    Thanks for setting me straight.

  • NameWithheld

    I'm not arguing the intent of some JWs who get all excited about this and feel they now have 'good talking points' at the doors. But anyone who continues to kid themselves about the purpose of JWs knocking on doors ... well they need to get in touch with reality. Yes they feel they want to 'share their hope with one who are confused' but the PURPOSE is recrutement. Plain and simple. Same as the Hari Krishnas at the airports. They're not there for their health! They want people to join. It's just a club propigating itself.

    Yes, my beef is with those in control of the group, and no I don't want to 'shoot the messenger' - I know/knew many kindhearted JWs. But I find it so very sad that even in the face of what happened so many turn to selfish thoughts and give so little/no consideration to those touched by what happened. It's sad that good poeple have been turned into little magazine salesmen zombies.

    Oh, you mean THIS good news ITguy? ...

  • joelbear


    Sorry, I still disagree. The 25 years I participated in door to door work I was not trying to recruit people and neither were any of those in the car groups that I was part of.

    My friends and I went door to door on freezing cold days and sweating hot days because we believed we had an important message to give to people. A message that would make those people happier and give them hope.

    I had one elderly lady break down and cry and tell me how happy she was to know that her husband who had recently died was not in a burning hell. THAT is exactly why I went in service. I had numerous studies with elderly people who were never "recruited". Older people always liked me because I was kind and gentle and patient with them and was very respectful of them. Many of their children and grandchildren had forgotten about them and they looked at me as a surrogate. I am not sorry that I brought some peace of mind to these people through my house to house ministry. I was doing the best that I could for them, based on my personal faith and that is what many of those Jehovah's Witnesses who are going in ministry today are doing, THE BEST THEY CAN.

    Now, I no longer believe that house to house ministry as a Jehovah's Witness is the best way to help people, so I don't do it, but I certainly don't hate Jehovah's Witnesses for doing it.

    I think we forget that those 6 million people are not our enemies. Yes, some of their ideas are despicable to us, but the people themselves should not be seen as despicable.



  • NameWithheld

    Joel, you would have been a breath of fresh air to me then. In all my years and many congs, I rarely ran accross people like you. The majority I knew 1) Hated/disliked FS - saw it as a collosal waste of time/money (myself included) 2) Were what I called 'Nazi' witnesses - you know, had to hit that door right next to the KH to start time, wouldn't stop for a coffee break, knocked 4 times at each door or poked around in back yards, etc. 3) or, those who just put in the time 'cause they thought it was the right thing to do.

    I don't think most people here think the 6 million JWs are the 'enemies'. I know I certainly don't hate or even dislike my family! But we do feel sad that they are being dupped into what's best a huge waste of time, and at worst slowly destroying their sanity trying to deal with this insane religion. Not to mention that the JW has sucked away the best years of their life and gives NOTHING in return other than a hope that must get fainter and fainter as time goes by.

    I find it sad.

  • RedhorseWoman

    No, the people going door to door are not despicable. However, they are programmed to recruit "save" them. More than one poster on the JW boards has expressed delight that "peoples' hearts will now be opened so that they might join God's people".

    Even as an active JW, it bothered me that we were counseled not to contribute to anything other than the WTBTS....even in a disaster situation. I couldn't quite fathom how offering magazines and Bible studies to people reeling from a disaster (earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc) was somehow better and more righteous than setting up centers for medical aid, food, and necessities of life, as done by many of "Chistendom's" churches. In fact, "mature" Christian JWs made a point of mocking "false" religion for offering "material" needs when "spiritual" needs (i.e. WTS magazines and books) were so much better.

    It still bothers me. Yes, the individual JW has been taught that this "hope" is far better than any material aid....and I can understand that to a certain degree. But, let's be absolutely blunt here.....the WTBTS' refusal to offer material aid to the victims and their refusal to acknowledge the plight of ANY but the "brothers and sisters" is self-serving and cruel.

    No amount of explaining that the JWs are truly feeling that they are "aiding" the people is going to change the fact that the WTBTS wants members, and they will use this tragedy to exploit people who have been severely traumatized. And what will happen to these people once they get within the ranks of JWs? I think we all know the answer to that.

    The several statements made by posters on WOL where they "gave glory and thanks to Jehovah" and felt "excited" when they heard the first reports of the attacks still send chills down my spine. The implications of this type of mindset are horrifying.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Well said, Joelbear...

    Your explanation of what motivated you to knock on doors parallels mine. Unlike so many (most? I don't know), I was under no illusion that God was incapable of reading hearts and saving anyone he damne well pleased, and needed us to find his sheep.

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