Have you heard this one-the end is very close, maybe 2 years

by sspo 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • undercover
    We "know" that Adam's first son was born when Adam was 130 years old, because the bible tells us so.

    Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived on for a hundred and thirty years. Then he became father to a son in his likeness, in his image, and called his name Seth.

    So if Adam was around 30 years old when Eve was created (which I haven't figured out how anyone can know that) then it took one hundred years for these almost perfect humans to create a child? So how did that "be fruitful and fill the earth" thing work out for em? Looks like they were slow learners.

  • plmkrzy

    How many years was eve pregnant before she had her first son?

  • parakeet

    ***1975 was the end of 6000 years of man's existence. From 1975 to 2006, it is 31 years.***
    So that means the 1000-year creative "day" is actually 1031 years long? Then how do we know if the other 1000-year creative "days" weren't more than a thousand years, which would throw off their calculations even more? And if the 1000-year "days" aren't a thousand years, would that mean the scripture is either wrong or referring to something else?
    ***1935 plus 70 years = 2005 = the end came last year...............invisibly***
    That's the solution! We should have realized that whenever something doesn't happen on the WT timetable, they make it happen invisibly! Jesus didn't arrive in 1914, so he arrived ..... invisibly! If the big-A has already invisibly happened, then we apostates must be invisibly dead along with the rest of the world's population. And the surviving JWs' health is already improving, invisibly. The entire earth is being transformed into an invisible paradise. Invisible lions are munching on invisible straw right now.
    Wow, the JWs were right all along.

  • Bryan

    I remember, in 1985, discussing how the end had to come in 2 years or less.

    What the hell, I'll give it another 3!


  • BrendaCloutier

    Oh My Cawed - 1975 all over again... or is that "deja vu all over again"?

  • jayhawk1

    The assumption is Adam was around 30 because in Jesus' time it was customary for men to marry around 30. No biblical proof that Adam was 30, just an assumption.

  • forsharry

    and you know what happens when we make an assumption kids, right?

    The end is going to be October 19, 2036.

    This is based on highly scientific data extrapolated of a pile of numbers (and months for that matter) on little slips of paper that I had in an empty goldfish snack bag. They're also a little greasy now too.

  • juni

    I thought it was supposed to come at the end of this year? And they're supposed to stockpile food, etc.


  • xjwms

    And to think I used to buy into ...

    all those stupid stories...and try to figure something out.

    This the way to be lazy, do nothing, and wait for a better life...ya right.

  • looking_glass

    I just spent the week-end w/ a GF who is still a JW and she said that in her hall the last couple of public talks have actually stressed that they DON'T know when it is coming. She said the gist she got was that they were trying to build up the old timers because they are losing hope and fading, so this was the whole, hang in there, you have to be in it for the long hall, all that stuff. I asked her if at the DC if she got the impression that they were pushing the Chicken Little Theory again. She said she only went to one day and she did not notice that but she did notice that she felt that they were stressing be a good example of what a family should be (obviously face time, because who cares what really goes no behind the temple gate) and that the internet is VERY VERY bad.

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