by chachasmum 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Forscher
    For the most part there is no differance anymore between Republicans, and Democrats. Democrats just put a gun in your face, haul you into the alley and rape you. Republicans put something in your drink, then whisper how much you are going to like it in your ear. The results are the same.

    That is probably the best comment on this topic so far! I find it so interesting that people still accuse Bush of being stupid and at the same time having the brilliance to use the situation to take away our rights. You can't have both folks, he is either one or the other. So which is it?
    As for being brain dead for voting for a Republican, I think anybody who votes Democratic isn't thinking things through. The Republicans may have their rpoblems, but at least they aren't out there killing kids for the misfortune of having parents who belong to religions not approved by the BATF (anybody remeber Ruby Ridge and Waco?).

  • berylblue

    No, the Republicans are killing kids to "fight terrorism" in a country which never posed any threat.

  • Justice-One
    The Republicans may have their rpoblems, but at least they aren't out there killing kids for the misfortune of having parents who belong to religions not approved by the BATF (anybody remeber Ruby Ridge and Waco?).

    Please don't get me started on that. I could go on and on about the subject and the FBI HRT sniper killers. (BTW, never forget that an FBI HRT snipers consider you a dangerous threat if you are a woman holding a baby in your arms.)

  • Justice-One
    No, the Republicans are killing kids to "fight terrorism" in a country which never posed any threat.


  • berylblue

    Extremely intelligent retort.

    You must have aced the "Theocratic Ministry School."

  • mkr32208

    They both suck! They all went to the same schools, belong to the same social clubs, go to the same golf courses, have the same friends, cronies and lobbyist! If you think for one fraction of a second a democrat gives a shit about you any more than a republican your a fool!

  • free2beme
    For the most part there is no differance anymore between Republicans, and Democrats.

    The United States is much bigger then a few men. What has made us great, powerful and wealthy. Is the people, not the President or parties. The parties have actually done more to hurt us, then help us. Anyone who thinks that one party is better then another, is ignorant to a huge degree.

  • oldflame
    Anyone who thinks that one party is better then another, is ignorant to a huge degree.


  • Undecided

    This comment isn't true.

    No-one is attacking the US.

    It seems I remember an incident on 9/11 that was an attack by the enemy.

    As far as politics go, I don't understand how they work but strongly suspect they are a bunch of crooks as a group.

    I can't complain too much though, as they are giving me enough money to live during my senior years. Of course THEY arn't giving me anything, it's the tax payers.

    Ken P.

  • rekless

    I was a kennedy demo, but the demos are no longer what they use to be either. The reason Clinton had such a large surplus is because there was a republican congress. With that said, I have to agree with Charles Barkley, that all theses talk shows both right and left wing shows are on the air to confuse the common person and after the show, both sides of the issue get together and say,"Well we got everybody confused on the issue. Lets go grab a beer. I'm for the Repub's tax cuts, and the Demos' liberalism, and freedom of sex within a consenting adults' bedroom. I don't think Bush is stupid, unless he is stupid like a fox. He isn't a great communicator, but his actions speak loader than his words anyway. He has committment to what his beliefs are. If his beliefs are too strong there is a check and balance system built into the constitution.

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