Society letter read to all congregations July 28,2006 !!

by headmath 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Blueblades

    The Great Tribulation went the way of the Generation debacle. DEBACLE, a total, often ludicrous, collapse or failure.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    My mother stopped by this weekend. Oh, well actually it was on Monday, but because I had taken Monday off as a vacation day it still seemed like the weekend to me. I was in my garage changing the front tire on my motorcycle.

    She’s been walking to my house daily for about a week (it’s a twelve or thirteen block walk; about 2.8 miles round trip) and visiting with my wife. She was surprised to see me and thus began our discussion.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: What are you doing here?

    Darth Yhwh: Changing my motorcycle tire.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: No, I mean why are you home from work?

    Darth Yhwh: I took a vacation day.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: I’m listening to my Watchtower through my headphones while I walk. Would you like to borrow it when I’m done with it? It’s a good one and I think you’ll like it.

    Darth Yhwh: Why would I want to do that?

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: Well you’re obviously obsessed with it. It’s on your computer all the time and you even have literature come up on your screen saver.

    Explanation: My mother has no problem with sitting down and rummaging through my personal document files and since I downloaded the quotes site and saved it in the same directory that my slide show screen saver uses, all kinds of Watchtower scans and photos have been randomly displayed for every one to see. It’s funny too because everyone loves my screen saver because it’s mostly family photos, literally thousands of them. Family will come over and just sit and watch my screen saver for some time.

    Darth Yhwh: Well, I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed with it and the screen saver was an accident.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: Your problem is that you get on line and look at all that apostate information and that’s all you read.

    Darth Yhwh: *Silence*

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: I’ve been doing a lot of questioning what I’ve been taught and reading the bible a lot lately.

    Darth Yhwh: Good.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: No one loves you like Jehovah, with the exception of your immediate family. To them you’re the most important person in the world. I’m learning that Jehovah knows the heart condition of each and every individual and loves you more than anyone. What does that tell you?

    Darth Yhwh: That there’s hope for me yet.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: *laughs* You know that your father is showing an interest?

    Explanation: My mother was unevenly yoked with an unbelieving husband.

    Darth Yhwh: I’m sorry to hear that.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: Well you know that no religion is perfect.

    Darth Yhwh: *Silence*

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: Well I thought I’d let you know that they read a letter at the meeting and the Society is recommending that we stock up on supplies like bottled water, non-perishable caned goods, batteries, flash lights, portable radios…

    Darth Yhwh: Don’t worry; I’ve got my guns and flash lights ready at a moments notice.

    Darth Yhwh's Mom: Well, yes, you may need guns too. I’m sure your father will want to take his gun with us if we should have to suddenly leave our house. We’re in the end times after all. When I was in Ecuador there were two tremors and one volcano. What the Society is suggesting is not out of the ordinary. Many organizations also make the same type of recommendations.

    Explanation: My mother recently spent a month in Ecuador. Don’t ask me what she was doing there. Probably attempting to convert non-suspecting, lama riding, 3rd world natives to the cult.

    Darth Yhwh: *Silence*

    Summary: I didn’t say much to my mother during this conversation. I was on a vacation day after all, and was having a great time up until this conversation. I wanted to ask her why I would do anything that the Society recommended and if she had ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? This would have only caused an argument.

    So, yes, the WBTS is attempting to put the fear of Armageddon into it’s subjects and although they’re not announcing a date for the highly anticipated event they’re certainly encouraging the rank and file to be ever vigilant even going so far as to advise that they have stock piles of supplies readily available.

  • Lady C
    Lady C

    I recently had a similiar experience with my Mom. It has been 10 years since I moved out at 17, went to college and left the JW's behind for good. My mother and I have had our fair share of rough patches, especially in the first couple of years after I left; she found some books of mine that she considered Satan inspired----a Harry Potter book and a book on faires. The fights we had about this were devestating at the time---we went a couple of years without really communicating. She really tried her best to shun me but when my dad threatened divorce if she did not stop calling me a Satan worshiper --- she mellowed out. She is the only JW in my family. She converted when I was 8 and although she is still with my unbelieving father---by the time I was 12 I was attending all three meetings and going door-to-door every Saturday until I left at 17. I was never baptised---I managed to avoid that. But I was an unbaptized publisher. After I moved out that I would just get a random card about how I needed to come back to Jehovah with some bible quote or whatnot. But all around we had come to a place of relative peace for the last couple of years. But then I got the strangest phone call on Saturday 8/5. She got all quiet in the middle of a normal conversation and asked if I thought of coming back to God. She was very upset crying and saying that if I did not come back soon that all hope was lost for my life. That the end was very near. That i would never have children. It was clear that they had either told her this or that there was a buzz was they would not make it to another convention. My Dad, who has weathered this relationship also confided in me saying that he sees a new intensity in what my mother is saying about the end. That it may be getting to be too much for him to take. This is after 29 years of marriage and over 20 years of my mother being in the organization. The whole thing is so sad. My mom is clearly depressed and distraught---as the lone witness in her family she is facing losing all her family. I have been pretty depressed since this. Not because of any fear I have about Armageddon. I am depressed because of the grip they have on my mother. I thought we were doing good and now I see I was very mistaken. I have been reading more about the organization in the last year---I finally read Crisis Conscience; and this current situation lead me to finding this site. I have never tried to communicate with former witnesses. I never thought I needed too. That i had pulled out of it on my own without any help. But I realize that I do need people that understand me.

  • Swamboozled

    Welcome Lady C. Many of us are in similiar situations. It is heartbreaking to see family member so tied up in all of that nonsense. Hopefully you can find comfort here.

  • serendipity

    Hi Lady C & welcome.

    I see that you have empathy for your mother's emotional state. And you are right, the WTS is beating the drum again about the end being close. It doesn't seem that your mother was a JW in the early 70's for the 1975 debacle. What might help your mother is to show how the WT predicted the end then too (as they did in 1925 and 1914 and....).

    Also, in reality your mother is judging you and the family to destruction. You might remind her that she should leave judgment to Christ.

    I'm sure others here will have some advice for you, and maybe something will work with your mother.

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