No Resurrection For Disfellowshipped?

by ThomasCovenant 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ThomasCovenant


    Sorry if this has been covered already.

    1) What is the written policy about disfellowshipped ones having a resurrection?

    2) What if the disfellowshipped one is D'd for apostasy?

    Reason I ask is an ex elder who was disfellowshipped for apostasy is very ill and may very likely die soon. One of my relatives still in has almost blamed his illness on abandoning the 'truth' but besides that I would like to say to her "mind you it's just as well he's dying because at least now he'll be resurrected".

    My wife has said she doesn't think they believe he will as he has sinned against the Holy Spirit.

    Any advice.


    Thomas Covenant

  • jrjr4189

    Yeah thats some question. Its like she should be begging for him to die as soon as possible because then he will be resurrected for sure. What a twisted thought process the WTS gives to people. My mom used to beg my "unbelieving" father to quit smoking all the time and one day I said that very thing to her, " wouldn't you rather that Dad keep smoking so he dies and then will be ressurected" I think I blew her mind for a second, but it wore off.

  • parakeet

    Only Jehovah knows for sure who will be resurrected, according to WTS doctrine. For them to say they know who will or will not be resurrected is a presumption of galactic proportions. Not that that would stop them.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    One of my relatives still in has almost blamed his illness on abandoning the 'truth'

    And of those devout JWs who die of illness, what would she then say...? scheesch..

  • blondie

    Until the fairly recent change in the WTS used to teach that people who were not JWs and died before the great tribulation would not be resurrected because they had been judged. Now the judgment does not happen until after the GT starts.

    Does the WTS teach that apostasy is the sin against the holy spirit? If so, then there would be no resurrection for them.

    Notice how the WTS dances around the issue here:


    6/1 pp. 347-348 Mourning and Funerals—For Whom? ***

    But suppose a disfellowshiped person had been giving some evidence of genuine repentance and had been coming to the meetings and manifesting a desire to be reinstated in the congregation. Then, if the elders felt that it would not disturb the peace and harmony of the congregation nor bring reproach upon God’s people, there would be no objection to an elder’s giving a talk. How are they to know whether Jehovah has already forgiven him or not, since there is some evidence of repentance? Properly, the elders may have been waiting, wanting to make sure that his seeming repentance was sincere. Obviously, each case being different, it would need to be judged on its own merits. Of course, if a funeral talk is given, care would need to be taken not to dwell on personal matters nor to make any positive statements about whether he will be resurrected. But a fine Scriptural presentation and witness could certainly be given.

  • anewme

    How can you sin against the Holy Spirit WHEN YOU HAVE NEVER RECEIVED THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!!!!!! I believe that scripture applies to the anointed.

  • tijkmo

    i was taking the wt when the new light re ressurection/sheep and goats came out a few years ago.

    up to that point it had been believed that if someone died in the 20th century having been aware of jw teachings then they wouldnt get a ressurection..this was especially true of unbelieving spouses who would be judged as goats.

    this wt however made the point that some spouses were unbelievers for yeasr and then suddenly became jws so if they had died in between they would not have had the oppurtunity plus the sheep and goats dont get identified until the great trib starts so the conclusion was death pays the penalty and therefore ressurection for all...heeeeey.

    i remember while a paragraph was being read that it occured to me that the same principal would apply to df ones who might die before thay have the chance to repent/reinstate...and so i said so during the next paragraphs discussion...omg!!!! did i get into trouble for that - going beyond what was written etc etc

    of more interest to a previous poster is the fact that in the ressurection no marraige mates will be together...but that doesnt stop jws using death of a spouse as a bargaining tool - 'dont you want to see your wife/husband again'


    bh chap. 7 p. 72 par. 19 Real Hope for Your Loved Ones Who Have Died ***


    What about all the people who did not serve or obey Jehovah because they never knew about him? These billions of "unrighteous" ones will not be forgotten. They too will be resurrected and given time to learn about the true God and to serve him.

    so they will get ressurected...but the billions who dont know about jehovah when armageddon strikes will get destroyed...hmmm
  • toreador
    Only Jehovah knows for sure who will be resurrected, according to WTS doctrine. For them to say they know who will or will not be resurrected is a presumption of galactic proportions. Not that that would stop them.

    so they will get ressurected...but the billions who dont know about jehovah when armageddon strikes will get destroyed...hmmm

    I believe the idea there is that everyone will hve been contacted by the big A by JW's.


  • tijkmo
    I believe the idea there is that everyone will hve been contacted by the big A by JW's.

    actually toreador...they do not believe this..they dont expect to reach is the thinking behind community responsibility...if for example a goverment does not allow jws to preach then when they all get destroyed it will be the goverments fault..shame for the inhabitants and no additional penalty for the authorities

    (Matthew 10:23) . . .for truly I say to YOU, YOU will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.


    gt chap. 50 Preparation to Face Persecution ***

    So when saying that his disciples would not complete their circuit of preaching "until the Son of man arrives," Jesus was prophetically telling us that his disciples would not complete the circuit of the entire inhabited earth with the preaching about God’s established Kingdom before the glorified King Jesus Christ would arrive as Jehovah’s executional officer at Armageddon.

  • blondie

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Today, that prophecy is in the course of fulfillment on an unprecedented scale. True, untouched territories still exist, and it may be that in Jehovah’s due time, a large door leading to greater activity will open. (1 Corinthians 16:9) Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness. Rather, the good news must be preached to Jehovah’s satisfaction. Then the end will come.—Compare Matthew 10:23.

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