Wish me luck and pray that all goes well for me.

by lovelylil 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    Hey everyone,

    My hubby and I decided it is time to sell our little starter home and buy something a bit bigger. One reason we are doing this now is that my sister who is developementally delayed and lives in NY needs a new place to stay. Since my parents died a few years ago, an aunt has been taking care of her but it is not working out well. My aunt is just too busy to be of help to my sister.

    My sister is very independent and can cook and clean for herself. She needs emotional support and help with managing her money and other things as such - she cannot read or write even on the first grade level but that is due to abuse and neglect more than anything.

    Like I mentioned before, I had a hard life growing up. Anyway, I have never sold and bought a home at the same time. I am kind of nervous and hope all goes well. We will need to get pretty close to our asking price in order to be able to get a big enough house for us all. We are hoping for an in-law set up.

    Wish me luck, and those with faith please pray, light candles for me, any thing you think can help. Thanks everyone! Lilly

  • Stealth453

    Good luck. The first time is always a bit nerve racking. You'll do just fine, and once you are in the new place, you will wonder why you worried in the first place.

    Every journey begins with a single step. Never be afraid to take that step.


  • morty

    How kind of you Lilly...to sell your home and move to help her....

    one prayer, and many candles lite for you....



  • LovesDubs


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Lovelylil , I wish the best for you . It is very kind of you and your husband to make this move to help your sister .

  • Quandry

    It is scary to change. Especially buying and selling a house. I remember when we moved once, to show my house, I put cinnamon in a bowl of water in the microwave for just a minute. Made the house smell nice. The next showing, I did not have time to get the cinnamon ready, so grabbed a chocolate chip cookie and put it in the microwave for one minute. The entire kitchen was enveloped in white smoke and a sicky-sweet smell. Oh, well, the people did buy the house! You'll do fine.

  • misspeaches

    Ah Lil - living up to your name of lovely. What a beautiful sister you are. Try not to fret. Have faith - I wish you all the luck in the world!

  • lovelylil

    Thanks everyone for your support. My hubby is going to the bank today to get pre-approved for the new home so we have more buying power. I am sure things will work out but so many things are happening at once.

    I was not getting enough hours at my old job which was a per-diem nurse assistant. So yesterday I had an interview for another job, it is part-time but steady work. Great pay and good benefits too. I will need steady work for the new home as we will have to pay double what we paid for our starter home. Anyway, the interview went great and they offered me the job on the spot! I am so glad as I really needed this to make sure we get the new house. This is one step further towards that goal. I start my new job after next week. It is a great company to work for - a really nice Assisted Living facility.

    Once my hubby comes back from the bank I will feel better. I am also packing up today. The kids are excited too because they know they will have more room to play and a bigger yard. And they are looking forward to having their aunt here too. I promised my dad I would take care of Sis. when he was dying but an aunt swooped in and grabbed her. I was so mad because this aunt was never around when we were growing up. She is like a stranger. I think she took sis for the money as she gets disability checks. I don't know. But I knew she could not handle the job as my sister is very demanding. But I am used to it because she has always been that way. Anyway, I knew eventually she would wind up back with me and that is where she belongs. We are the only two girls in the family with 3 brothers. Sisters have to stick together!

    Thanks again, Lilly

  • Gregor


    I am thinking positive thoughts for you. You are taking on a lot right now, but you're doing it all for the best of reasons - family -family - family. You are strong.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Lilly, I wish you all the luck in the world. You desrve it for such an act of kindness.

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