the all knowing god?

by the dreamer dreaming 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • anewme

    Well I for one am open to the idea of a real smart God, waaaaay smart God. All knowing?
    How could I know?

    Based on the observation that humans are more intelligent than animals, I dont think it is too far fetched to believe there might be another being or beings out there waaaaay smarter than humans.
    And since we cannot explain how this world and all its complexities got here and are always "discovering" what has already been here for millions of years I say it is not foolish to be open to the possibility of an intelligent source beyond our vision.

  • anewme

    Oh and as for Gods predermination abilities or prophetic talents, perhaps he is just smart and like a chess player can examine all possiblities and choose the probable course of events given the forseeable pressures and circumstances at the time.

  • anewme

    Or perhaps we are part of a vast never ending chain of intelligence and our God is not as smart or clever than His God????? (Wo!)

  • PrimateDave

    LOL! @ Kid-A! Best damn thing I've read all day! Thanks!

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    for living entities, no god[s] need apply...

    the paradox of intellect is the realization that everything we do has the goal of peace of mind, and the awareness that permanent peace of mind is death.

  • ElderBarry

    Hi. I think you made a good point. You should not shunt it aside. A being that was alone for ETERNITY past, with no one and nothing to interact with or learn or do is most likely INSANE. Rather than shunt this possibility aside because it creeps us out, we should honestly face up to the distinct possibility that we will one day have to face an omnioptent being that is stark raving mad.


  • IP_SEC

    Primate Dave,

    If you are partial to the visual like me you might enjoy the Kissing Hank's Ass short film ala Reservoir Dogs.

  • SirNose586

    This thought was pretty recently restated in a Watchtower. Apparently God can see the future, but chooses not to in certain situations. That one threw me for a loop. If you could see into the future, wouldn't you do it all the time?

    Another situation: if God is all knowing, then he can read people's hearts. If that's the case, then why did he leave Satan in close proximity to A&E, knowing Satan could deceive the puny humans? Or is it like the Force, where Yoda can sense subtle changes in people's emotions, but was obliv--

    Well. I'd better stop there. The point is, I don't think dubs could come up with a single answer to, "Is God omniscient?"

  • ElderBarry

    This is a good argument against God being eternal with no beginning. Such a being would have gone crazy. A God who had a beginning is much more lovable and real than an abstract God from philosophy.

  • ElderBarry

    Kissing Hanks Ass is a great little video and leaflet. It would be great if everyone realized that all religions are mythological, and the only thing thats real is the experience of divine love and transcendence. There are a lot of LDS Christians who understand this. More so among those who were born into the Church.

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