Thank you all so much!! I think I am going to spend less time in WT land...

by Check_Your_Premises 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Check_Your_Premises

    I showed up here about a year and a half ago confused and in shock. I was yet the latest victim of the runaway train that is the WT. My wife joined the WT and I was surrounded by drones doing their level headed best to consume my family while I am at work paying for it all.

    Thank you so much for all you have done to get me through this time. If it weren't for some of you I would definitely be divorced, and possibly even in prison with the blood of some prominent JW's on my hands. Here is a little tip for you, don't leave a Marine with no options and nothing to lose.

    I think I have recovered from the initial shock of my wife's cult affliction. I have come to understand my circumstance. I have worked through the mourning and have accepted what my marriage actually is. I have a sound strategy that is being implemented over time. I plan to fight the WT with my dying breath, but I need to do it in a way that doesn't consume me either. If I allow that I have not only given what they have taken, but also everything I have left.

    I think it is time to give up my obsession. I still have to fight. I still have to be engaged. But I am going to operate more on a part time basis.

    As a result I will probably be spending less time here at jwd. I just get so filled with the negativity and rage over the abomination that is the WT and all they have cost me. It just isn't healthy anymore.

    I am going to try to focus more now on my family, especially my children, my career, my new store, doing some good in this world, and enjoying the moments of my life.

    The times and moments and circumstance always seem so permanent at the time, but people and opportunities just fly by never to return before you even get a chance to appreciate them.

    I don't want to wake up someday like my wife realizing I have sacrificed so many precious moments and relationships on things I couldn't change, control, or that didn't matter.

    I just want to be happy again. The less the wt is in my life the better.


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I wish you all the best CYP. I understand about not wanting to be consumed by it all. Good for you for knowing your limits.
    tall penguin

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Good luck CYP, nice to have met you.

  • Jourles

    If I'm ever in the Chicago area, I'll look ya up.

    don't leave a Marine with no options and nothing to lose.

    Ah, so that explains why you were so clean cut!

    See ya around buddy.

  • Balsam

    Sounds like you have heard of the "Law of Attraction" which means the more you push against the negative forces in your life the stronger they become. By taking a positive path, and concentrating on nurishing your children and loving your wife you may find that she may one day slip away from that religion. What ever we focus on is what we bring more of into our lives.

    I think your making a wise decision when it comes to changing gears. A film I found helpful in being more happy is called "The Secret" and is well worth watching over and over again.

    Check out:

    Wishing you everything you want in your life. I've done the same thing.


  • carla

    Hey CYP,

    I know exactly how you feel. You will be missed. Check in and let us know how things are going once and awhile.

    Your right, we can't change our spouses but we can change our reaction to them once we have mourned the loss of the person who once was before the wt. Your a Marine, failure is not an option, right? I know you will be a sucess in business and with your kids. One day they will come around I think. Heck! The teenage years are coming something's gotta give! Your wife? What do I know. I wish for you the same I wish for myself.

    Wishing you all the best. I think of all ubm's often and you know I love Marines!

    take care,


  • Crumpet

    I've never heard of the Law of Attraction principle - thats really interesting! Makes a lot of sense!

    CYP - as I have said before you are a more devoted and wonderful husband than your wife can possibly know right now. I hope that she comes to realise this sooner rather than later. In a way it reminds me of Jacob waiting 7 years for Rachel - he exhibited tremendous patience out of true love for his future wife as you are doing for your "future" wife who will hopefully be even better than your past wife - pre- WTS and your current wife as part of the WTS.

    Drop in us and feel free to email me anytime - you know my address.

    crumpet x

  • daystar

    Sounds like a positive move CYP. See ya around.

  • poppers
    don't leave a Marine with no options and nothing to lose.

    Semper Fi, CYP

    Cpl. "poppers"

  • WingCommander

    Semper Fi, do or die! Kill, Kill, Kill!!!!!

    Best of luck with your struggle.

    Wing Commander

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