Contacting the "other side"

by sinis 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona
    Has anyone actually looked into the occult, for lack of a better word, and actually made contact with an entity?


    But be careful what you're inviting.


  • bem

    Some good thoughts about prayer ringo5.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Well, I don't know about contacting a "diety", but I have spoken to the 'other side', as it were. Tell ya about it if ya like.

  • vitty

    No I wouldnt, although I dont know what I believe in at the moment, I wouldnt want to invite something unknown into my life thankyou very much.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    "No I wouldnt, although I dont know what I believe in at the moment, I wouldnt want to invite something unknown into my life thankyou very much."

    No problem. I guess thats the difference between me and my old JW crowd. I ain't afraid of nothin' anymore that used to scare me when I was a JW. Life's an experience. Grab all you can get.

    Booga Booga! LOL!

  • kid-A

    To a certain extent, all humans require some sort of psychological anaesthesia to get them through the pain of our mortal, ephemeral, biological existence.

    Some choose alcohol, perception-altering drugs, self-delusion, narcotics, or prayer. All serve an identical function and can be equally abused when we stop believing in "ourselves" and instead choose to worship drugs, illusions or imaginary "gods" or "ghosts".

    Whatever you choose to believe in your own personal and subjective reality in no way represents a universal "truth". You may honestly "perceive" or "believe" that some supernatural deity is listening to and actively answering your "prayers", however, this is nothing but a subjective interpretation. It does not prove that said prayers were ever answered, or even listened to, outside of your own head.

    Every single example cited here as "evidence" for the reality of prayer or "contacting" the other "side" can just as easily be explained as neurophysiological events, illusions of the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, parietal cortex, all linked up with emotional drives and neurochemical processes from your brain's limbic system.

    I could place an electrode on your limbic cortex, pass current, and create these same "supernatural" experiences for you in a laboratory. Its all just biochemical reactions and electrophysiological signalling, and try as you might, all of these subjective perceptions can easily be manipulated with exogenous agents.

  • daystar

    Mine are not popular opinions among many of the people I know who are involved in the occult.

    For example, I have not seen any evidence of karma, though I certainly observe some degree of cause and effect within my own life. I have had what some might call "supernatural" experiences. However, I am also very aware that these experiences are much more internal in nature rather than arising from some influence or entity external to myself.

    I have performed ceremonial magick (over a period of time) and observed certain effects within myself which then manifest in certain ways in my sphere of influence. I have also come into contact with what some might consider to be supernatural entities. However, I am not so certain that these are not aspects of myself rather than some external, spirit being.

    If your attempts have not yielded fruit, then you are most certainly not... "doing it right".

  • Warlock


    I would not do it if I were you.


  • daystar

    Yeah, you could always play life safe, like "Warlock" (LOL!) suggests.

  • Warlock

    Better save than sorry in this case, but you don't have to take my word for it.


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