Do you talk to yourself?

by rassillon 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • dvw

    it is ok. to talk to yourself. it is ok. to answer yourself. it is not ok. to ask "what did you say?"

  • parakeet

    My alter ego, parakeet (aka "Death From Above!"), will not permit me to answer your questions (or mine).

  • wednesday

    If you have a cell phone, you can talk to yourself and no one will know.

  • anewme

    Yeah, those new cell phones people wear in their ear and talk talk talk hands free while walking in a store is really wild! At first I was insulted by their chatter to an invisible person. Now, I am used to it and dont really care and ignore it. Now I wouldnt blink if someone was really talking to him/herself I think.

  • damselfly

    You mean not everyone does this?

    I talk to myself all the time, often out loud. I also "rehearse" conversations in my head with other people so I'm prepared for when they happen.


  • JH

    Sure I talk to mysel, no one else will...

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Yes i have to admit I talk to myself - tho sometimes its cause i'm talking to my children and they dont respond and when a stranger says 'your talking to yourself' I'll say no its just that no one is listening to me.

    CS 101

  • Jim_TX

    I talk to myself... and answer, too.

    Have been doing it for years... sometimes it helps me to solve things.

    Boy was I glad when cell phones came out... I regularly see prople talking to no one there... only to realize that they have a small cell phone, a headset, or one of those new wireless 'earbuds'. People don't think _they're_ crazy.

    In fact... I bought one of those corded cellphone headsets... and put the cord in my pocket (I didn't have a cell phone at the time), just so I wouldn't look like I was talking to myself... when I was... oh, never mind.

    *wide grin*

  • mouthy

    Only a crazy person would talk to >>>>MouthyHA!HA!.

    GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!!!!I do it all the time -I make myself laugh sometimes. ( I live alone)

  • vitty

    Like Damselfly, I also rehearse out loud , I thought I was the only one who did this, LOL

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