by Gill 61 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Scully
    Wow....I hope the child was O.K.(?)

    Yes, she ended up being fine, but it was like they were holding vigil over her day and night for a week. Praying for Jehovah's Protection™. Being extremely diligent about wound care. Lo and behold, she did not contract tetanus!! Jehovah's Blessing™ was surely upon them!!

  • moomanchu

    Very informative thread thanks

    I had to post the caption from the awake. My wife works in a medical lab and this is just to funny lol .

    WT wisdom:

    "Some medical workers are very cautious about coming into contact with blood"

    Duhh really, boy if they're scared to touch it, I surely don't want it in my veins.

  • Scully
    "Some medical workers are very cautious about coming into contact with blood"

    Oh brother. I really don't know where to begin with this statement.

    Let me put it this way: Universal Precautions require all medical care workers to protect themselves when coming into blood, body fluids, and waste products. That means protective gloves, sometimes gowns and masks depending on the procedure being done.

    For a "medical worker" to ignore Universal Precautions is foolhardy and just plain stupid because if you contract an illness as a result of ignoring UPs, you will not be covered under Workers' Compensation or private insurance.

  • Balsam

    As with any medical treatment, the consumer and their family need to be educated about what treatment is given. What precautions are in place to prevent screw ups. Generally hospital staff is very mindful of double and triple checking medications they give out and the same is done with blood transfusion when it is needed. Yes there are challenges to accepting blood transfusion safely, but transfusions save many many lives each year and that should not be forgotten.

    JW leadership want to believe that blood transfusions do nothing but kill but that simply is not so, it is only a very small portion of people who die from blood transfusions. The thing is the Watchtower Society focuses on the dangers creating a crazed hysteria in the JW community and causing them to view blood as something dangerous, disease ridden, and even dirty. This is just sadly pure ignorance and misinformatin on the part of the WTS. The members of the Watchtower Society should have the right to examine all medical information themselves and along with the WTS publications and decide for themselves. It is a travisity to the witnesses and their families to leave their lives in the hands of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses who are as ignorant of the medical field as anyone off the street. The decision for an individual JW to take blood should not be in the hands of an organization but in the hands of the person and their relationship with their God. No one has the right to interfer on their decision one way or another from a religious perspective. No penality should ever have been put upon the witness for seeking this type of medical treatment to save their lives of their family members or themselves.

    To disfellowship or view such a one as disassociated because they chose to accept a life saving blood transfusion is just shameful on the part of Elders and the powers that control the Watchtower. It is between that person and their God and no one else. Those active JW educate yourselves from reputable medical sources available right here on the internet. Don't just blindly leave your health in the hands of men who say they are not inspired nor claim to be directed by God. They are simply creating an unreal fear that has very little backing.


  • garybuss

    The blood medical treatment doctrine as taught by the Watch Tower Corporation simply only applies to the Faithful Slave Class. The Society says the New Covenant only applies to the Faithful Slave Class because they are the "Spiritual Jews". The blood doctrine CAN'T apply to the "other sheep" because the Governing Body says they are the "spiritual Gentiles".

    The New Testament and the New Covenant only applies to the Faithful Slave designation so they are the only ones who can't take blood treatment (by their own teachings).

    The Jews could sell the bloody meat to Gentiles for THE GENTILES TO EAT! The Governing body can sell blood to the "other sheep" for the "other sheep" to transfuse BASED ON THEIR TEACHINGS!

  • tamalama

    i'll never forget when i was watching one of the JW's videos about blood transfusions and they claimed that no one ever dies from blood loss during surgery, just complications of surgery.

    what do you think blood loss during surgery is? It's a complication!!!!!

    Then the video went on to show all these examples of people who had surgery and didn't need blood. I don't remember when the surgeries were, I know they were nothing serious. It would be like me proclaiming I had my tonsils removed and didn't need blood. Well yeah no one needs blood for these type of surgeries.

    Then this video went on to say that blood is given way to often, when other alternatives could be easily used. I work in a hospital. I see patients get blood. We give blood as a last ditch effort. If we can give any alternatives we do.

    I guess I just find it odd how JW's are so uneducated about what blood actually does. They think they can be pumped full of blood alternatives and be all fine. That is unless latley they actually did come out with some nes info for all. I haven't set foot in a KH for 7 years.

  • serendipity

    Welcome tamalama!

  • wednesday

    Blood transfusion are not used as frequently as the wts would have you believe. They don't just don't give you a couple of units to "top you off'. If your doc ever says you need blood in the year 2006, you can be reasonably certain you probably do need it..

  • observador

    I noticed two interesting statements in the article that I had never seen before:

    "Those who receive blood from another person face risks essentially similar to those undergoing an organ transplant. Immnune responses tend to reject foreign tissue."

    Great! So, a blood transfusion being similar to an organ transplant makes it acceptable as a "conscience matter" now, as is an organ transplant?

    "No wonder Brian McClelland, director of Edinburgh and Scotland Blood Transfusion Service, asks doctors to "remember that a transfusion is a transplant...". "

    Ohh, nice! So, if transfusion is a transplant, and transplant is a "conscience matter", then a transfusion should equally be a "conscience matter", right?

    Also, I don't remember having them say that blood is a tissue.

    That's it. My vote for the Big Announcement is a drop in the blood trnsfusion ban as a disfellowshipping ofense.


  • observador

    "The blood medical treatment doctrine as taught by the Watch Tower Corporation simply only applies to the Faithful Slave Class. The Society says the New Covenant only applies to the Faithful Slave Class because they are the "Spiritual Jews". The blood doctrine CAN'T apply to the "other sheep" because the Governing Body says they are the "spiritual Gentiles". "

    that reasoning with a couple of obscure scriptures tossed in is all that is needed to drop the ban on transfusions. What you think?


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