What led you to think that the Watchtower had God's approval?

by JH 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rassillon

    Yeah, being raised around the "truth" especially if you see people who are kind caring, genuine, sincere, etc....You start to transfer the trust you have in the individuals to what they said, seeing no reason that the ones you trust would be deceiving you. Which they weren't, they were themselves deceived. Just like kids think no one can beat there dad when they are young.

    That makes you feel you are being told the truth and so you have no reason to check the facts of what you are being told. Then you are cautioned that there is a big conspiracy by Satan and the "world" to mislead you. So anything that does not jive with what you were taught you dismiss.

    So I would have to say what led me was a BIG FAT LIE.

  • SirNose586

    "A psychologist will tell you that critical reasoning develops in children when they are about 8-12 and if a child is unable to develop that part of himself, they lose the ability to think independently. Critical reasoning in a normal kid simply means to look at something, question and resolve. A kid raised zealously in the truth does not have that ability because they become dependent on the organization to instruct them on all aspects of their lives."
    A little story about that. There are two kids in my hall who were baptized in their single digits (7 for one and I think 8 or 9 for the other) and were pioneering a year later. They've been home schooled their whole lives. To meet these kids is a trip. The first thing that would come into your mind is that they're like Rod and Todd Flanders, except black! They are sheltered beyond belief. They are either going to remain hardcore watchtower slaves their whole lives, or flip out and get tattoos and start using drugs. There's really no middle ground when you're that sheltered.

  • Zico

    For me the biggest thing was having the 'anointed' ones. I always thought the fact that we had anointed people who were supposedly certain that they were going to heaven was proof that Jehovah had blessed the Organisation. That was what my first post in here was about. This is where it was pointed out to me how illogical the teaching was that there could only be 144,000 anointed ones, and from reading posts by former anointed ones, it became clear that this really did not make the Organisation inspired by God.

    I also thought the teachings were infallible, and that all those experiences on the platforms at assemblies proved God's backing, but as has been mentioned, this was probably due to the fact that my Witness upbringing didn't allow me to properly question these things.

    When I was told about the 607 date, I just assumed it was true, it never occured to me to look it up until I was directed to this place. Now I know to question everything! Especially everything the Society tells me! :)

  • under_believer

    When you are a child, and you have a good (or, not bad) relationship with your parents, you will believe whatever they tell you.

  • Jourles
    Just because they said so???

    No, because my mom said so.

  • whyamihere

    Why? Well because my mother said so.

    I always knew there was something wrong with the Religion.


  • Jourles
    Why? Well because my mother said so.

    Our mothers must have been sisters. Oh snap! That would mean we're cousins! You wouldn't happen to be from W. Virginia would ya?

  • whyamihere
    You wouldn't happen to be from W. Virginia would ya?

    lol....Howsyourmamanthem? No, I got me some kin in South Dakota. Is those dag gum States near each other?

  • sammielee24
    They are sheltered beyond belief. They are either going to remain hardcore watchtower slaves their whole lives, or flip out and get tattoos and start using drugs. There's really no middle ground when you're that sheltered.

    This is very true. I know JW's who have been that sheltered and because there are NO people in their lives that they socialize outside the organization, they have no reason to question. A good, obedient Witness doesn't associate with wordly people of any sort and that goes so far as to extend to family relationships be it aunt, uncle or grandparent. They might be polite but will not exchange intimacies as most families do in order to bond. When the child is home schooled - it intensifies. I know of JW's who have lived for many, many years with no contact with their neighbours except to say hello. I know of JW's who have worked with the same people (wordly) for 15 years, but who have never ever gone out to lunch or a movie or anywhere with any of them - they work, go home and surround themselves with more JW's. As they get older, they become more wary and fearful of the world and more guilt ridden over everything they do and in summary, they simply become more repressed. Sometimes, in JW's I've talked to, I almost feel like there are a whole lot of sociophaths walking around in suits. To display little kindness or compassion for others, regardless of who they are in the world - to feel little emotion for victims of situation or circumstance - all I can say is - you gotta wonder..sammieswife.

  • greendawn

    They appeared to keep a higher moral standard than society in general and above all they were preaching the genuine gospel to all nations. That's how it appeared to my naive mind at the time. These were impressive facts.

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