I am so ashamed...

by zeroday 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • zeroday

    Good Men have shed their blood on the battlefield of freedom so I might be free...

    Stood up to tyrany that I and others would taste the sweet smell of freedom...

    And yet for almost 30 years I distained these people as enemies of God. Distained their sacrafice as worthless. I stand here today to ask forgiveness of those who laid down their lives that I may be free.

  • LovesDubs

    You did better when you knew better honey...dont beat yourself up. They werent evil, we knew they werent evil. They are mere children going to battle and losing their lives, fighting because some selfish ass told them they had no choice.

    You are forgiven. You know you are.

    Forgive yourself ok?

  • zeroday
    fighting because some selfish ass told them they had no choice.

    There was a time when they had no choice. When the lines were black and white. It may not be today but it was in a day gone by past. A day when righteous ruled the day. That is what I speak.

  • anewme

    My sentiments exactly Zeroday! It hit me so hard as I gazed at Veterans march past me in our local 4th of July parade.

    Freedom is precious!!!!!

  • restrangled

    Dear Zeroday,

    I want you to stop feeling so bad and ashamed...I have had 3 cousins and one uncle in the marines. Wars Fought as Follows

    3 cousins; Vietnam, all came back but died beause of agent orange.

    My uncle, their father, fought in WW2, I know the island but cannot say.

    In the name of my uncle and cousines, I Do not want you to suffer.

    Can you answer me? PM me.


  • zeroday

    I know restrangled... I had a draft status of 1A in 1973 and was fully prepared to be drafted at that time. Vietnam was not a war of freedom so much a war of idealism. The stop of communism. That in it self can be debated. I guess what im mean is the World Wars when success or failure would change the world. It was that sacrafice that led to my freedom and of which I ask for forgiveness....

  • restrangled

    Dear zeroday,

    Thank you for your reply....you are appreciatd, loved, and forgiven.

    Please stop beating yourself up.


  • restrangled


    One more time.....you are adored by me. Stop cringing. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Sleep peacefully tonight.

    Your friend, amy...... (r)

  • Confession


    Thank you for your post. I feel very much the same as you. In fact, as I continue to go down this long path out of the Watchtower organization, I keep remembering powerful emotions I'd have that were quashed by my association with them.

    I too had strong feelings when considering all of those men and women who believed in something greater than themselves and were willing to give their lives on behalf of it. In a secret place in my heart I used to salute them. Now I get to do it with my chin up.



  • restrangled

    To all the men feeling guilty on this site.......stop

    You know what fellas, ...Thanks for being here, thanks for being men in the present, you are very much needed and appreciated.

    thanks for being on this site, and thanks for being you.

    Your friend amy or (restrangled as you know me)

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