Terrible "Local Needs" part--TRUST THE "SLAVE CLASS!"

by under_believer 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    UB the only thing missing from your scenario is the guy with the spinning black and white spiral thingy saying "LOOK INTO MY EEEYEEEEEZZZZZ! you WILL BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH...ER.....MAGAZINEEEEEEEE"

    You are revolted by it because your BULLSH-T meter is red lining. And that protects you.

    You didnt always have a BS meter...you sortof had to grow one on your own like we all did. I have to hope that there is hope that our spouses will GET IT some damn day.

    Until then...just think of them up there in their Underoos.

    hugs, Loves

  • Undecided

    When I was the PO of the congregation I never questioned anything.

    How if we don't understand or don't quite agree with something that comes from the GB, we should do it anyways and trust them implicitly and obey and not lean on our own understanding

    Whatever they said I followed in the congregation, but outside I did almost whatever I wanted to.

    Ken P.

  • anewme

    Very scary!
    That organization has gone so down hill.
    How can the members stomach it?
    Their teenagers must be thinking mutiny every meeting and plotting their parents murders or their own suicides!
    None of them are developing spiritually on their own.

    Reading this post makes me happy for all the heartache I went through to get out.

  • In Between
    In Between

    Sorry you had to go through that. I think I would have had pretty much the same reaction. If there is one thing I've seen and typed here in my short time ... rants and spazzes are totally okay. Here, the members understand. Hope venting a little makes you feel better. Hang in there!

    I'm really begining to see what a bunch of 'followers' most these people are. And unfortunately my mom is one of them. She's always going to the 'you are not following the anointed' line of (her) logic. So many times I've wanted to unload and ask her to provide just one once of proof that these people are appointed by God. Because they say so? You better do as we say or else? ... Forgive me, but I've had my eyes opened. I'm not going to live my life by some group of old men in N.Y.C. because they tell me too.

  • smellsgood

    delusion, thy name is Watchtower.
    FDS, False Delusional Society.
    Got that vinegar fresh Totalitarian smell...

    I could be wrong, but I don't think the GB...


  • SirNose586

    "I'm really begining to see what a bunch of 'followers' most these people are. And unfortunately my mom is one of them. She's always going to the 'you are not following the anointed' line of (her) logic. So many times I've wanted to unload and ask her to provide just one once of proof that these people are appointed by God. Because they say so? You better do as we say or else? ... Forgive me, but I've had my eyes opened. I'm not going to live my life by some group of old men in N.Y.C. because they tell me too."
    --In Between
    Yeah, that's been something I had always wanted to know. How did they know they were "Anointed?" "They just know, like you know you're a male or female," was always the reply. I had always wanted to corner one and ask them, but I decided against it as I might not like the reply I would get...
    All I knew is that they had to be old.
    I wonder if anyone has heard about young people "becoming Anointed?" There was a story floating around in a talk about this young guy that "found out" he was "anointed" and proceeded to get chewed out for it because he told someone else about it. If that story was real, it made no sense to have a replacement anointed guy. If you knew you had this special calling, how could it be taken away from you? And if you knew you had this special calling, why would you throw it away, especially since you get to have it so well? And weren't they sealed and protected, anyhow? Something didn't seem right even when I heard that story. But it was the only one.

  • sass_my_frass

    This will be in response to a problem that somebody presented them with. They'd be in the audience thinking it's shyte too. If it wasn't you, who was it? That person will be of great help to you.

  • under_believer

    Sass, I have NO IDEA. I wish I knew. I looked around but couldn't figure it out.
    I tend towards paranoia and I felt like all the elders kept glancing over at ME, but they have no knowledge or confirmation that I totally reject the FDS doctrine and the GB, so that really can't be it.
    I was dying to ask my brother-in-law elder why that talk was given and I would have, but he got pulled away for a meeting (probably to disfellowship someone).

  • TD

    LOL --- No they don't. Representation of the will of a constituent majority by an designated minority is inherently democratic in nature.

    Claiming this type of "Representation" is basically the same fallacy as justifying the existence of the tribunal (aka Judicial committee) under the rationale that it represents the congregation. That's also a democratic concept, when the reality is that little about the Witnesses is democratic and the congregation certainly has no direct say about who is and is not an elder.

    To me, the "representation" in both arrangements more closely resembles paternalism, where those in authority may act in what they percieve to be the interests of those they govern, but the governed have neither rights nor responsibilities themselves. --And this thoroughly slays the doctrine of the "Faithful & Discreet Slave."

  • TheListener

    Sorry you have to go through this Under_Believer. Hang in there. My wife will probably never leave either. Tension in the house goes up and down. Do your best to be a good husband and if you have kids a good father.

    Vent here, we're listening and we understand.

    Good luck.

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