Interesting thoughts on the situation.. READ

by Brutus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ustabee

    [quote]Ustabee, it almost sounds as if you would be sad if there turns out to be a way to do this withOUT innocent civilians bearing those facial features and that skin being killed?[quote]

    Certainly not!

    Actually, I know that the people who committed these acts can be struck in such a way to involve innocent people. My point is that if such innocents were to be involved that the ultimate responsibility would be on the heads of the terrorists. Who are well known for hiding behind women and children.

    As a side note: I have started a thread in the Adult forum on this subject. I agree with Winston, dirty keying each other is no way to discuss these things.

  • SixofNine

    Oh good, I'm glad you'll pray, and that you are a nice guy who is truly concerned about your fellow man. I just didn't see any such concern in the tone of your words till just this last post. You can probably go back and read the the thread to see why I was so concerned that you where just another fucking racist pig. I'm pleased I was wrong. (really)

  • SixofNine
    My point is that if such innocents were to be involved that the ultimate responsibility would be on the heads of the terrorists.

    Well, on that we agree. Your earlier comments just sounded so cavalier about the idea of killin' a whole bunch a them A-rabs, that I had the same concerns for you, my brother, that I had for Brutus.

    You'll find that I just can't let fucking racist pigs off the hook. Glad to see you're not one.

  • Winston


    I think you got to him and he's changing.

  • willy_think

    why not forgive them. every year we kill 1,000,000 unborn people in the US. ya 10,000 is a lot but only a drop in the bucket. this is a crime committed buy civilians. thay need to be arrested. revenge and racism and hate, these things will not take us were we need to go.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessarily represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • fodeja
    Anyone who celebrates the attack of innocent civilians deserves the bombs that will be directly dropped on their empty heads. When you see 8,9 year old kids and women yelling and screaming in the streets celebrating this terrosist attack I will not feel sorry for them when women and children are killed when we retaliate for the actions of the 1 or 2% of the population that are terrosist. Those camel eating cowards deserve what they are about to recieve.

    I see you editing your messages to even more hate than before, Brutus. And it seemed as if you were calming down.

    I'll just try this: I'll think you're just a troll, and go to sleep with that comforting belief.


  • bboyneko
    Anyone who celebrates the attack of innocent civilians deserves the bombs that will be directly dropped on their empty heads. When you see 8,9 year old kids and women yelling and screaming in the streets celebrating this terrosist attack I will not feel sorry for them when women and children are killed when we retaliate for the actions of the 1 or 2% of the population that are terrosist. Those camel eating cowards deserve what they are about to recieve.

    Will you rejoice when they are bombed?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    First let me say that I want to see the people responsible for terrorism DEAD.

    Having said that, I'll confess to being naive. I think that human beings anywhere on earth are essentially the same, until they become infected with bad ideas. We each like to go to sleep at night with a full belly and a comfortable bed. We each want to feel that we have some value in our community and that our peers consider us to be good. We want to see our children grow up happy with all their limbs attached.

    I don't think that there is a "race" of people who feel differently - who like to go to bed on a concrete slab with an empty stomach knowing that their neighbors think they are useless dung.

    The problem is bad ideas, and bad ideas come in many shapes and sizes. Thinking you're entitled to be supported by the work of your neighbors is a bad idea. Laughing at the disabled is a bad idea. Believing that you'll be welcomed into paradise for killing people who don't worship your imaginary friend is a very bad idea.

    I believe that the right to self defense exists. I think there is a difference between initiating the use of force against someone and using force to stop an agressor. I think that the person responsible for the wounds an agressor receives is the agressor. He invited those wounds when he decided to initiate force against someone else.

    I really do believe that there are some wonderful people living in Afganistan, Iran, and Iraq who are kind and compassionate and thoughtful - people who would be a delight to know. People don't pick their place of birth or the century they're born into. I would not wish suffering on any such people anywhere.

    I believe that there are some good people living in Afganistan, Iran, and Iraq who have some bad ideas. I think there are some good people in Alabama, Arkansas and New York who have some bad ideas. In New York, his name might be "Archie Bunker. In Iran his name might be "Muhammed al Hazared." As long as all he does is think his bad ideas, I say live and let live, because where there is life there is hope. Hope of change. Hope that bad ideas will give way to better ideas. Education can eliminate bad ideas.

    Terrorist agressors need to die.

    I think the US and other civilized nations must declare war on terrrorism. Not just terrorism perpetrated by Isalmic Fundamentalists, but terrorism perpetrated by anyone ANYWHERE.

    Go get Osama bin Laden. Go get the Irish Republican Army. Go get the PLO. Go get the Basque separatists. Go get the millitant Quebeqois. Go get the Ku Klux Klan. Go get the machete weilding butchers in Africa. Go get the abortion bombers. Go get the Timothy McVey's. Go get the Unabombers. Go get the gangs who murder gays. Go get the militant Earth First-ers.

    Wait for "Kingdom come"? I think that's a BAD IDEA.

    "I wish to see, and I mean this most sincerely, I wish to see the last King strangled with the guts of the last Priest." - Voltaire
  • Seeker

    Here's my two cents: Be careful of inflamed rhetoric on both sides. Be careful of propaganda on both sides. Who is Osama bin Laden and why does he act the way he does? Does any of us really know? I read an in-depth profile of him a year ago that filled in many details of his life and motivation, details I never heard on the news. Would it justify this recent action? Of course not! Nothing would! But my point is, what you hear on the television news is not necessarily the truth. Sometimes it's just a piece of the overall picture.

    Remember, Noriega was a U.S. ally, until the U.S. tired of him and made him enemy #1.

    Remember, Saddam Hussein was a U.S. ally, until the U.S. decided not to use him any more and made him enemy #1.

    Were Noriega and Hussein bad men? Absolutely. Were they the only bad men running countries in this world? Not at all. There are plenty of men we are told to view as good leaders of countries who may tomorrow be propagandized into enemy #1.

    In recent years, it's been bin Laden. Does he deserve it? Seems that way. But life is often not nearly as black and white as the propagandists wish you to believe. For all we know, bin Laden had nothing to do with this whatsoever (who among us can say with certainty that we know otherwise?). That this is just a smokescreen, to give the American people a ready target.

    But let's say bin Laden is behind this attack. Does he deserve death? 100% yes. Bomb him now. And should we then bomb the Arab world? Let's bomb Saudi Arabia, shall we? After all, bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia (our ally in the Arab world). Oh no, let's bomb Palestine instead! Why? Because those people were cheering in the street! Why were they cheering? What propaganda had they been exposed to that molded their thinking into accepting an act of terror as a good thing in the big picture? What thinking had molded their minds into viewing America as a land of evil that deserved punishment? Unless we lived among them, we probably can't fathom how that could happen, and yet it did.

    So bomb 'em all to hell for pissing us off with those video images! Yeah, that's worth a death sentence. Oh wait, didn't Americans cheer all those smart bombs that we used on Iraq, enjoying that video footage of missles that seemed to go up to a house, open the window, and then go in a blow up? Weren't we all cheering then, even though some innocent civilian targets got hit in the process?

    Empathy is hardest when the person is different from us. My god! They don't speak our language, they don't think like us, they don't embrace democracy! How awful! Kill 'em all!

    Sorry, the world is not that black and white. Those who committed, planned, or aided the terrorists who commited yesterday's attack deserve a swift death. For the rest of the Arab world, or any other part of the world, let's show a bit of restraint before we start dropping nuclear bombs. Things are never as simple as the government wishes us to think or the news media propagandizes us to believe. The more you read about the world, the more complex it becomes.

  • Eric


    The title of the thread said there would be "Interesting Thoughts" and READ in big bold letters.

    So I did read.

    Instead of interesting thought, Brutus, I get this:

    Those camel eating cowards

    ...some fucking raghead

    And so of course I changed the channel, tuned out the Bigot News Nightly, and joined in discussion with other people who I think could find Afganistan on a map of Afganistan.

    I know too many fine men who wear the turban in my own neighborhood to ever think that there are not thousands of similar pacifistic Muslims back in their home-town. Men who believe terrorism is insane. Men who are shocked, even shamed by this outrage. Men who have been working hard to raise enough money to bring the remaining members of their family to this country.

    Men and women who have made a contribution to my neighborhood who now feel an additional sense of urgency to see their dream of a united family under threat by a surge of misplaced racism. Men who have met the likes of you far too often to even be surprised by racism, but nevertheless organise a blood drive to help out the victims.

    As much as there should be a ruthless drive to root out terrorists, your type of racist fear will accomplish no good.


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