wts is a false prophet

by headmath 10 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • headmath

    *** Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 ***


    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way towards its finish, if not actually gone! This is why parents who base their lives on God's prophetic Word find it much more practical to direct their young ones into trades that do not require such long periods of additional schooling… True, those who do not understand where we are in the stream of time from God's viewpoint will call this impractical. But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that soon will pass away? or working toward surviving this system's end and enjoying eternal life in God's righteous new order?

    end quote

    The WTS don't support higher education - period. The latest watchtower still recommends that youths should dedicate their lives to jehoover (the WTS)

    The world today needs people who have sought out higher education, not the mindless brain rot that attending 5 meetings a week gives you. Yet today some 5 million JWS waste billions of hours to satisfy not jehoover but actually the WTS!!

  • Honesty

    About 15 years ago one of my dear friends had a heart attack and died as he was walking out the front door to the brother's car who was taking him to the District assembly. He was in his late 80's.

    4 years later his wife died.

    Behind their modest little 2 bedroom frame home stood an old white 20 foot long wood building.

    My friend had lived in that building for almost 5 years. It was mounted on the back of a truck.

    He was one of the first, if not the first colporteur that the state of Tennessee had ever seen.

    He and his wife kept telling me up until the day they died that this 'Old System" was not supposed to last this long.

    They spent almost 65 years together as man and wife.

    They never had children because the Watchtower discouraged it.

    They never got a decent education because the Watchtower discouraged it.

    They never had decent jobs because they never got a decent education because the Watchtower discouraged it.

    Now they are both dead and gone.

    I wonder if they are happy in the Watchtower's New System.

  • Confession
    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.

    Fact? Fact, eh? Mm hmm, a "fact."

    For any lurking JW apologists, please face this... This is not a case in which the WTS was simply like "eagerly expectant children" or in which they made a minor miscalculation. They did not merely present this as an opinion.

    They--the ones who threaten to cut you off from your entire family and community if you no longer recognize their authority--called the above a "fact!"

    But it wasn't, was it?

    You tell me: what were the consequences of this authoritarian edict?

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    I just returned from a brief visit with my folks, and one of my brothers. At the fireworks, he and I chatted about the "friends" from our kid days. They are all really old, or dead. the very ones who get on that platform and tell us we didn't need to be in school, we didn't need good jobs, and we didn't need to plan for our retirements.

    My brother ran into one his childhood chums at the local festivities earlier in the day. The friend told my brother that he and his wife had moved into his parents old house (mom has died, dad is now elderly). He asked how the dad was, and the wife said, "Oh he won't talk to us, we're evil...." Then his friend said yeah he just moved into [former p.o., who recently died from Alzheimer's]'s mobile home.

    And in other news on the "'millions now living will never die' my ass" front, another witness couple who married in the late 70s and waited until the mid 80s to have kids (because armageddon, you know), just buried their 22 year old daughter, who killed herself last month. (She was the granddaughter of the above mentioned former p.o.).

    In 1969, I was one year old. The former p.o. and his wife were in their 40s raising three teenagers-none of whom went to college.... They not only grew old, they died....


  • candidlynuts
    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.

    i dont remember the article specifically but i remember many MANY MANY talks at meetings and especially conventions where i was told i'd NEVER GROW OLD in this present system of things.

    i'm a grandmother now

    i dont admit to being old yet.. miss clairol helps me convince myself and others that i'm "ripe' not old.

  • Woodsman

    Jesus said don't follow those who say the time is at hand. At least some of us are listening.

  • parlay

    Looking at the WBTS in the light of their own standards is very enlightening, but the average JW's mind

    has been programmed to apply WBTS standards only to others and never see the blantantly hypocritical double standard.

    "True, there have been those in times past who predicted an 'end to the world,' even announcing a

    specific date...The 'end' did not come. They were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was

    missing? Missing was the full measure of evidence required in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

    Missing from such people were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using them. "

    (AWAKE!, Oct. 8, 1968 p.23)

    A more accurate reading:

    "True, we have for decades predicted an 'end to the world,' even announcing

    specific dates...The 'end' did not come. We were guilty of false prophesying. Why? What was

    missing? Missing was the full measure of evidence required in fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

    Missing from us were God's truths and the evidence that he was guiding and using us. "

    (AWAKE!, Oct. 8, 1968 p.23)

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore

    The wt is a false prophet and sad, but true,


  • rebel8

    free download: Brochure: Have JWs Ever Made False Prophecies?

  • Leolaia
    "Would it be Scripturally proper for them now to marry and to begin to rear children? No is the answer which is supported by the Scriptures.... Those Jonadabs who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone" (Face the Facts, 1938, pp. 46, 50).

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