Parents Getting Separated

by GetBusyLiving 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I haven't posted in quite a while, hope you all are doing decent.

    Well, the shitbag Watchtower snake is back just when things were getting good. My mom and dad are getting seperated now because a couple of elders told my still active dad it was a good idea since she has apostate "leanings". They called me "poison" and told my mom that I am trying to "poison her too". She's doped up on a ton of antidepressants and they all think she's crazy because she can't express her disbelief in the organization very eloquently. I tried to get the names of the elders that are harrassing her but she wouldn't tell me since she's afraid they'll come back and DF her if I call them up.

    I'm glad I left the Witness cult but my parents lives are completely messed up now.


  • Highlander

    I'm sorry about your parents situation. It's quite amazing when I hear j-dubs claim they have strong family units, yet in reality j-dubs are the cause or influence in many

    broken families.

    on a side note: did you take your screen name from the movie "shawshank redemption" there's a line that goes something like this:

    "it comes down to a choice, either get busy living, or get busy dying."

  • jeanniebeanz

    GBL, your mom does not deserve this, and neither do you.

    What I want to know is why is your dad not telling the elders to stick their twisted ideas on the disposable nature of marriage up their asses? Ultimately, it is his decision to either separate or not, and I'm so pissed that he would allow some bumbling janitorial losers to decide the fate of his marriage for him.

    I feel so badly for your mom.



  • damselfly

    They seriously said that? That is horrible!! I feel bad for your Mom.


  • fullofdoubtnow

    So sorry to hear that GBL. Yuor mum doesn't need that, and neither do you. I hope your dad shows a bit of backbone and tells them where to get off.

    As for the elders, they are such robots these days that nothing they do surprises me anymore.

  • serendipity

    HI GBL,

    This is very sad for all concerned. The elders should butt out.

  • nicolaou

    Go down to that Kingdom Hall and seriously kick someones arse - hard! Frighten the shit out of them and tell they just made an enemy. Take control mate and take back your parents.


  • juni

    Sorry to hear that GBL.

    Why does your father allow someone else to tell him to separate from his wife?

    Is this what he really wants, but makes it appear that the elder told him to? I know there are crazy elders out there, but to encourage someone to separate from someone who is not well?? Are you sure that an elder told him that? Personally I'd check that out and then go from there.


  • lonelysheep

    ((((GBL)))) Missed you! I'm so sorry your mom is being put through such crap from these idiots who know nothing about love.

  • Es

    thats terrible GBL im so sorry, I cant believe the elders are encouraging your parents to seperate.

    We are here for you


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