Hello! Im new here........

by Garden Rose 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    Good morning fine people! Thankyou for your responses!
    I am a teacher of children professionally. I have worked with about five thousand people in my career.
    My first cousin and her family were JWs and now my daughter in law was a JW.

    Sometimes in life something will happen to us that you will never get over. This Jehovahs Witness problem is an identity problem. A pervasive problem. Harder to get over than breaking your arm.

    You make a space in yourself to have this problem and then live a good life anyway. Meaning, by good life,
    that you put into your life as many things that cause you joy as you can.
    You can spend all your energy on a problem, instead of healing, you are focused on the pain....and it doesnt help. But talking does help some people. Its the dwelling on it over and over that centers on the pain.

    Thankyou for allowing me to talk with you.
    I see it as a priviledge.

    Respectfully and Warmly,
    Garden Rose

  • anewme

    We are up together posting on my computer under my name.

    Hey were off together as a family to see the big parade today.
    Thanks everyone.
    We'll talk later.

    Anewme and Garden Rose

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Garden Rose,

    WELCOME to the forum!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Legolas

    Welcome Rose...and all the other new people who are here as well!

  • juni
  • mouthy

    Nice to hear a Mother-in-law & daughter -in law getting on famously

  • Garden Rose
    Garden Rose

    Hopie, wow, such courage!

    Juni, thankyou for the roses---precious!

    To all of you, thankyou for your warm welcome.

    Dear Underbeliever, good for you. You stood up to me and reminded me not to give the impression that I want to open a wound.

    I give suggestions for personally strengthening one's inner self. Certain problems should be dealt with,
    with the best professional people around.

    There are many answers to problems. The wider the base for solution the better. I think you are very wise so please take good care of yourself.

    With Warmth and Respect,
    Garden Rose

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