Please help!!!

by kittyeatzjdubs 61 Replies latest members private

  • Honesty
  • Quandry

    I began studying with the witnesses in January of 1971. When I heard about Armageddon and that all the wicked would be destroyed, I was scared. I asked the young woman that my husband and I were studying with how much longer she thought we had. She immediately said, "About two more years." Yikes!!! 1975!!!! I was petrified. I remember people saying "Stay alive till '75!!"

    Many people did not see the humor in the fact that it didn't come and they should not have been looking for dates.

    Remember all the stories about how some sold everything, bought a small trailer, and quit their jobs to pioneer? Maybe if your mom really really beleives that Armageddon is iminent, she will do the same.

    What I have decided to do is be the best, most loving person I can be to my workmates, neighbors, and family. God will judge all of us, so humans do not have the last word.

  • collegegirl21

    Honey, they are wrong... you know it and we know it! Think about how the end was here back in 1914 and 1975... remember, even if we went by the bible, it says that noone knows when... so these people don't know anything. Plus, when we smoked the good stuff, it told us so... remember? haha... jk... love ya sweetie... if you need to talk, I'm here!

  • Ade

    HI my friend, just look at it from a scriptural point of view. as rightly pointed out here "nobody knows the day or the hour" Jesus own words, "for you know not when your master is coming" "he is coming as a thief, at the time when you least expect him" therefore if they are saying armageddon is HERE they must have some pretty amazing info from someone giving out the knowledge Jesus christ never gave.reflect on another scripture, "many will come on the basis of my name, saying Lo here is the christ, there is the christ" - but Jesus states he is not with these ones.look to faithful servants of God, Job is an excellent example - a man not of any chosen race/creed/nation but a man fearing God and doing righteousness in fact according to scripture the most faithful man in the earth at that time.Your are acceptable to God by the blood Jesus has shed for you, me and everyone else who accepts them with true faith.lastly as James states worship pure and undefiled with the God and Father is this, to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation--unspotted to keep himself from the world hope this helps all the best God bless you and yours Ade

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Reasons not to be afraid (or why 2+2 doesn't equal 5)


  • avengers
    Hang on, what's that loud rumble? ......Oh wait, it's my stomach.

    Are you sure that's what it was? Better check again. It's all about the money.

  • magoo
    magoo guys are all missing the whole point.............don't you know god has decided that only the congregation that kitty's mom goes to will survive............they are the only ones that know it


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Oh Kitty - maybe your Mum got confused? My understanding is that dubs are already pre-programmed to listen out for news of the End, so even if they don't hear it,they think they have.

    She basically told me in a nutshell that the brothers were preparing them at this past convention for armageddon and that everyone was exchanging numbers because ''the brothers have news that armageddon is here and they're getting everyone ready''

    Really? Where from? As for your Mum having no emotion in her voice, well, that's only natural - after saying the same stuff umpty-zillion times, it sort of loses its edge.

    There's only so many times someone can cry wolf.

    Vitty - '1975, The Sequel'? lol......they could turn it around to their advantage - Next Assembly, ''The Time Is Upon Us -1975, just the Rehearsal'' (Some failed to pass, did you?)

  • sass_my_frass

    Yep, sounds like my mum. No urgency though; if they're using the convention to prepare people, well it will be a few months - our conventions aren't until November. But it will be handy for the congregation records to have everybody fired up into 'urgent' mode again, won't it?

    Shake it off; in a year she'll probably do the same thing, and the poor hon is going to be nervous and frightened for the whole time. It hurts watching them go through it, but they once made a choice....

  • tfsm

    When I was 8 years old, during a sunday morning talk, an elder ran through the door into the KH, interrupted the talk, and breathlessly announced to the congregation that the authorities were coming to arrest us all. He said that the great tribulation was starting and that we should all start praying. This was one of the elders that had studied with my parents before they were baptized so I kind of looked to him as an authority figure and was really taken by what he had to say. That event scared me so bad I still clearly remember it. I thought I was going to be taken away from my parents and my brother and sister and locked up because we had all heard the stories about these things happening in other countries. I guess the interruption was staged to make a point in the talk and I was just too young to get it. But anyway, to make a long story short, the "end" didn't come and nobody was arrested. Although that elder should have been arrested because it turns out he had been molesting his kids and grandkids and was eventually DF'd for it. But I digress, this is an old tactic. Don't worry about it. Besides, are the phones still going to work? I'm kind of wondering what the point is with the whole "gathering phone numbers" thing. It sounds like data mining or getting an account to rent videos. Is the internet still going to work? Would they like my IP address? I can't do without my internet.

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