Could the latest "anti-porn" campaign by the Society have a 2nd purpose?

by sir82 35 Replies latest members adult

  • Blueblades

    For years the number of disfellowedship ones for immorality was stuck at 40,000 give or take . I wonder if anyone knows if that number has increased or declined. Or are the numbers bogus?


  • blondie

    I remember when television came out and it was the Devil's eyeball...didn't stop JWs from getting TVs.

    VCRs came out and cable channels.....didn't stop JWs from getting those things either.

    Computers, internet, etc., comes amount of demonizing will stop JWs from getting those things either.

    Unless JWs confess to watching these "bad" things....what can the elders your home.........then you know for sure you're in a cult.


  • hamsterbait

    The WT porn item specifically mentions gang rape.

    When investigated, one brother said the film he watched was about the mass sex crime by the Benjaminites. It made him realize how evil those people were. He watched it again to review the bible principles involved. Just to make sure he watched the film about Sodom, and Lot with his daughters, as well as David and Bath-Sheba. (He now knows the bath name comes from her tittillating David by letting him see her in the bath - though there was too much soap suds for him to see anything arousing in the video.)

    These things, as the bible says are for our instruction. He was being instructed. Though he admits the film of Genesis, with the naked lady and the snake was a bit racy for his tastes.


  • 24k

    Are they being removed for viewing porn, or child porn. In my mind, there's quite a big difference. If your talking child pornography, I don't think you can fault them for taking a hard line. If your talking your garden variety internet porn, I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone, with an internet connection, that hasn't at least looked out of curiosity. So, would that be enough to get you removed? Or would the dreaded "p" word (practice) come into play? I don't think there's any conspiracy here. The society has always been sexually conservative, to say the least.

  • sass_my_frass

    I agree... and it's an effective way to keep some elders playing the game. I find it difficult to have sympathy for them though, because surely by the time an elder works out what the deal is and wants out, they've probably already been involved in a few disfellowshippings, and so I think that some justice would be served if they are shamed in this way. Also if the end result is that more bitter and controlled elders are kept running the shop, that will help drive the thinkers out.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Can I add my thoughts here, please?

    In the 'real' world, watching/downloading pornography involving adults is almost always not a crime. (Morally it may be indefensible because many of the young women involved have been trafficked as sex slaves and have no option but to perform. Sex slave trafficking makes hundreds of millions of dollars for criminals/organised crime throughout the world, including UK, US, and many other countries who consider themselves 'civilised'.)

    In most western countries, downloading/watching/possessing child pornography is illegal, and IMHO quite rightly so. What people are watching is the sexual/physical abuse of a child, often carried out for the express purpose of seeling the images.

    A person cannot, repeat CANNOT, access child pornography by accident. A viewer either pays for it, or in the sicker arenas, trades images.

    There are ongoing crime detection programmes worldwide to identify child pornography users through their credit card details. Operation Ore, a joint US/UK operation, identified more than 7,000 individuals in the UK who had paid (or, more correctly, whose credit card details had been used) to access child pornography. There is no defence to this charge in the UK, and the offender will be (whatever other penalties are applied) placed on the Sex Offenders Register.

    In a few countries in the developed world, privacy is protected regarding internet sites visited, etc. This is not the case in US, UK, or most other countries. Also, in most countries, access to bank records/credit card records is avalable to law enforcement agencies on the basis of 'probale cause' or 'reasonable suspicion'.

    The current drive (almost worldwide) agaainst child pornography - one of the unintended benefitd of globalisation and G8 financial policies - will bring many more child pornography cases into the light, I am pleased to say. Who knows how many the next sweep wil identify?

    Suffice to say that UK police forces and the FBI still have piles of files they are working through on the last sweep.

    So, there is - and will be an increasing - phobia about 'porn on the internet'. For the average jaydub who, I would suspect, feels guilty enough about looking at the legal stuff on there every revelation about another 'arrest sweep' (actually dealing with child porn) will make him nervy. Sooner or later, he will only access 'authorised' JW sites. I suspect that this latest message may be a ploy to scare jaydubs off internet research.

    An Outsider (of the spent too long investigating and prosecuting child porn for it ever to go away class).

  • wednesday


    That was very informative. I watched TV program years ago about this very thing, they said it is not that easy to actually find illegal porn , you really have to know where to go, have contacts. They know people are looking to catch them so are very careful. So when I see the WTS write about child porn, gang rape, snuf films etc, I wonder, man where on the net are you guys hanging out? then I realize they are talking out their arse, they don't realize that you don't just type in "child porn" and up it comes.


  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Hi Weds

    Sorry to bang on there, just that this is something I know about (unlike many subjects on this site) and something I feel strongly about.


  • stillAwitness

    How does someone get caught viewing porn? You'd have to be pretty careless to let that happen. Doors have locks people!

  • Gill

    StillAwitness - It is easy to see what someone has been looking at on your computer, on the internet. I regularly check what the kids have looked at and even if they attempt to remove the immeadiate history, you can go into the hard drive and have a look. These files are there permanently. Helps if you have an IT expert as your sister's live in boy friend! (Gill - Not trying to sound as if she would know what to do without expert help!)

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