I was just reminiscing about things I remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping. A person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc. An elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.
So my question is why doesn't this also apply to the Governing Body? Wouldn't the UN scandle fall under this category? Obviously the Watchtower Society couldn't exist if they were disfellowshipped, but shouldn't they also take responsibility for their gross sins like they make us lowly earth dwellers?
Why would Christ choose a bunch of GROSS sinners to represent him, but throw us away like we are worthless? If the Governing Body are so much wiser than the rest of the JWs why do they screw up so badly?(com'on Govnerning Body, even the regular witness wouldn't sign up for the YMC) Are JWs that unaware that they can be guilty by association? The Governing Body is NOT going to be standing before God and explaining their actions to God. We will be standing there all by our little lonesome. How will the witnesses answer when he asks why they didn't use the brain he gave them? How will they answer when he asks them why they treated people like they did-----something he never asked them to do? How can 6mill people be without the ability to think??????