Governing Body and their sins

by moanzy 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • moanzy

    I was just reminiscing about things I remember being said to me by elders about disfellowshipping. A person can be disfellowshipped because of gross sin(could mean anything), being unrepentant etc. An elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.

    So my question is why doesn't this also apply to the Governing Body? Wouldn't the UN scandle fall under this category? Obviously the Watchtower Society couldn't exist if they were disfellowshipped, but shouldn't they also take responsibility for their gross sins like they make us lowly earth dwellers?

    Why would Christ choose a bunch of GROSS sinners to represent him, but throw us away like we are worthless? If the Governing Body are so much wiser than the rest of the JWs why do they screw up so badly?(com'on Govnerning Body, even the regular witness wouldn't sign up for the YMC) Are JWs that unaware that they can be guilty by association? The Governing Body is NOT going to be standing before God and explaining their actions to God. We will be standing there all by our little lonesome. How will the witnesses answer when he asks why they didn't use the brain he gave them? How will they answer when he asks them why they treated people like they did-----something he never asked them to do? How can 6mill people be without the ability to think??????


  • Honesty

    Because the JW's don't really believe they will have to literally stand before God because He can't be everywhere at once, no matter that He knows how many hairs are on everyone's head at any given moment in time.

    99.9% of the JW's stay in it for family. They know what happens when a JW disagrees with the almighty GB:

    They are considered dead and shunned forever.

    That is too humiliating of an idea for many of them to accept, so they keep quiet and plod along under the mistaken concept that God will overlook the fact that they are in a Lie.

  • gumby
    An elder said to me that a person may be disfellowshipped even though he is repentant if it is gross sin and his sin widely known.

    So my question is why doesn't this also apply to the Governing Body? Wouldn't the UN scandle fall under this category?

    Their answer would be they had no knowlege they were even sinning. Their claim is their involvment was for theocratic purposes.....unlike a brother who commits adultry repeatedly. This of course is a lie ( another reason they should be DFed for). Their withdrawl from the UN when they were exposed shows they were guilty of sin.....and lying. They justified their actions....even though they KNEW when they signed with the UN as NGO's they were attaching themselves to a beast of the bible.


  • OpenFireGlass

    provoking post...

  • gumby
    provoking post...

    You just thinks Moanzy's hot and yer suckin up....come on, admit ya damn longhaired stoner dude.

    *goes out for a pipe hit or ...three or four maybe*


  • moanzy

    Gumby, If their claim is they HAD NO KNOWLEDGE then they must be senile. That excuse wouldn't work with any regular JW. Besides if a witness can sin and be disfellowshipped because of the notariety then claiming they had no knowledge shouldn't make any difference.


  • gumby
    Besides if a witness can sin and be disfellowshipped because of the notariety then claiming they had no knowledge shouldn't make any difference.

    That elder you mentioned spoke broadly. Notoriety doesn't ALWAYS require disfellowshipping. Notoriety may cause one to lose privleges in the future until one lives down the reproach, but godly repentence is normally the factor in sparing a disfellowshipping.

    Perhaps I should have said, "they didn't believe they were sinning when they were members, rather than saying they didn't know they were sinning...sorry about that.

    When a publisher would call the service desk to ask about the UN involvment, they didn't deny they were NGO members, they rather skated around the idea they did not serve it's purposes.....when in FACT this was a requirement they were aware of when they joined. They lied.


  • OpenFireGlass
    You just thinks Moanzy's hot and yer suckin up....come on, admit

    No , it was more like "OFG was here"...

    ya damn longhaired stoner dude.

    hmmmm, guess I can't deny that...

    *goes out for a pipe hit or ...three or four maybe*


    now back on topic... What I was sayin', was it sounds like a call to action, at the very least, for the action of someone to use their brain..

    oopps, I said more than two words... now I'm suckin' up to hot moanzy

  • gumby

    Moanzy ....hey Moanzy!!

    See there OFG.ya went and scared off another girl.


  • moanzy

    WOE WOE guys I'm on the phone with my friend. I'll be right back.

    By the way she's hot too!!!


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