Post your JW demon stories

by M.J. 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • M.J.

    It seems that for JWs, the demon thing is one of the few "eyewitness" confirmations of what the WTS says. There seems to be such an atmosphere of confirming testimonials that the JWs relate back and forth to each other...But are they factual accounts or simply recycled "urban legends"?

    Interestingly, the most dramatic demon stories are nearly always something that happened to someone else.

    Why is it that JWs have seen more "demons" than anyone I've ever known in my life? Is it that they're more delusional, they've ticked off Satan and his buddies, or that they attract Satan and his buddies?

    I firmly beleive that the WTS has something to do with it. Right from the first study. There's a whole chapter in the "Really Teach" book on "Spirit Creatures". One might wonder why a whole chapter is devoted to this if the essential nature of such creatures in JW teaching doesn't really differ from the mainstream Christian version. But I think a statement on page 105 really sums it all up:

    "Wicked spirits are dangerous, but we need not live in fear of them if we oppose the Devil and draw close to God by doing His will." [What does the Bible Really Teach?, p.105]

    It's the big IF. Do what we're telling you or the demons are gonna get ya! The subtle yet powerful scare factor.

    Now that I think about it, I believe that this altered sense of reality that JWs live in which demons are swarming all around them really fosters FEAR of leaving the org. Fear of not keeping up with the program. One of the biggest obstacles in becoming truly free of the clutches of this organization.

    Can we confirm that JW demon stories are nothing but recycled JW urban artificial perpetuation of an altered sense of reality?

    I'll start off by identifying a few stories I've heard from JWs:

    1. When brother so-and-so became a JW, he tried to rid himself of all his "demonized" objects by building a big bonfire. But they WOULDN'T BURN.
    2. A sister in her pre-JW days would answer the door to the witnesses but only crack the door open, since she had several resident demons that would get pissed and toss objects around the house whenever the JWs were at the door (and she was embarrassed, of course)...but now she's gotten rid of the demons and is a happified JW.
    3. Bob, a JW "study" went to a party where folks were playing with the oija board, and when he approached them the thing started to move on its own, spelling out "I don't like Bob". When asked why, it replied "because he's studying the bible."
    4. A sister had a spell/curse cast on her by a practicer of the occult. Shortly afterward much of the sister's hair fell out and now she must wear a wig.
    5. A sister sees a shadowy figure out of the corner of her eye but prays to Jehovah, when suddenly a total feeling of peace overcomes her while the figure disappears.
    6. A person scoffs at a stack of oija boards in the store, thinking to himself that they're complete nonsense, when suddenly an oija board from the top of the stack falls down onto his foot and breaks his toe.
  • Warlock

    Don't get me started. Ha,ha.


  • sinamongurl

    i had demon attacks when i was a jw.....and i was very spiritual and continually made sure that i didnt have certain objects in my possession....i always wondered what was going on....i wonder if being a jw makes u more susceptible to demon attacks, i dont know

    i have only had 1 since im out.....sometimes its the house we live in not necessarily us

  • M.J.

    please forgive me, sg, but I'm a natural skeptic...can you explain what a "demon attack" is? I really have no clue.

    How much did such experiences stand in your way from leaving the JWs for fear that you would open yourself up to more attacks?

  • M.J.

    Oh yeah, has anyone heard any of the stories I've posted above?

  • RunningMan

    Here is a fairly comprehensive list of demon stories:

  • acadian
  • DesertRat

    Anybody remember the JW rumors about the Smurfs (those little blue, white-capped elves from the early 80's)? I must have been around eight or nine years old when the stories started flying, at least in our neck of the woods: Some young Witness couple in California hears screams one night from their child's nursery & runs in to find the Smurf blanket 'suffocating' the baby. Another family notices the Smurf figurines on the wallpaper 'dancing' late at night. And perhaps most unbelievable of all--at an assembly, some kid's stuffed Smurf gets up & walks away during the prayer...

    It all came to a head in a SPECIAL NEEDS TALK at our Kingdom Hall. That night when we came home my parents made me throw out my Smurf record. I cried & wouldn't speak to them for almost a week

  • Honesty


    Oh yeah, they really enjoy the TMS and Service Meeting.

  • lovelylil


    (((Hugs))) - someone should buy the guy a smurf.


    I got into an arguement once when I went long to a bible study with a pioneer sister. The householder collected angel figurines and had them all over the house. The pioneer tried to bring up the subject delicately at first but the householder would not budge her stance that she was not getting rid of her angels as many were given to her from deceased family members.

    BTW- the householder had very bad depression and anxiety issues.

    After a while, the pioneer started raising her voice and yelling at her poor study lady about how angels were demonic and Jehovah's spirit was being blocked and this lady would not make it into the truth. The lady started crying so we left.

    Well, after the study I asked the pioneer in the car two Q's - Are you trying to tell your study that ALL angels are demonic? number two, Do you really think an angel figurine would be more powerful than Jehovah God? Because it seems like that is what you are saying by telling this lady that God's spirit is block by a puny glass figurine!

    Up until this time - I didn't know that angel figurines were considered demonic by witnesses, how obsured.

    Needless to say she NEVER invited me to another study - nor to her home. As a matter of fact, this pioneer never said anything to me again.

    And that lady did not become a Witness. Hay, maybe there is something to the angel figurines? (LOL)

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