Did you ever find an abandoned animal?

by JH 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Yesterday morning, while repairing the hose valve outside, I saw a cat in the garage. He came to me and was rubbing against my legs. Since I already have a cat, and I happened to be at my parents house, and they don't want any animal on their lot, I just pet the cat once, and went inside. But the cat was meowing and wanted to come in, or me to go back out and take care of the cat, maybe feed him or give him water. I would have done all that, but my parents told me not to, because the cat would always be around and they don't want any pet.

    So, last night, I gave the cat a bit of cat food and put the food half way beetween my parents house and the neighbors house...I knew the poor cat was hungry.

    My mom saw me do that....she is always in the window....and told me this morning that I shouldn't do that, because the cat will never go away. I know that the cat was abandoned because the cat doesnt go away. He stays close by. He must have been dumped right in front of my parents house.

    I don't want another cat, and my parents don't want any animal. Many times in the past, I had to bring a lost or abandoned animal to the local animal refuge. Back then, if no one claimed the animal or wanted to adopt the animal, they put the animal to sleep a few days later....

    What would you do?

  • whyamihere


    Baby rabbit, who was skinned alive.(I was 14) I called vet pet shelters to ask what I should do.. Since it was just your everyday rabbit they said it wouldn't be worth saving. Well I tried anyway. I had it for a few weeks watching it closely and trying my best to anything and everything I could. It died from infection.

    1 puppy, a sweet little Cocker Spaniel. Who had been beat by some previous owner, one of his eyes was completely deformed and he had a gimp. He was scared of everyone who was trying to catch him and take him in. Although, he just ran up to me and I fell on love. I took him into a vet nearby(with my parents). He needed a few surgeries on his eye. I emptied out my bank account(I was 15). The Doctor was so impressed by me, he ended up doing it all for free. Anyway, I named him Cubby. He had one eye, but it took like he was just winking at you.

    4 baby kittens I found on the side of the road. I took them home, feed and bathed them. I did find homes for them.

    I was always taking some animal in....


  • unique1

    Maybe your local vet will let you put a poster up saying that you have a free cat to a good home. Our vet has several postings up.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Do you microchip pets over there? Maybe you could take it to your vet or animal shelter and ask them to scan it.

    My cat lives outside someone elses house on our street all day every day - because he gets fed fresh meat there!

  • Nosferatu

    My youngest cat was an abandoned kitten. My ex's father found her and gave her to me (my previous cat, who was also abandoned was run over by a car). I still have her, and she just loves everything and everybody, and still acts like a kitten, even though she is seven years old.

    My older cat is an asshole. He was my ex's cat, and she didn't take him when she moved. When we first got him, he had a big scab on his face from being bitten by a dog. My ex felt sorry for him. Knowing him now, he probably deserved it. That cat just asks for trouble and isn't scared of dogs. He's an old fart now, and is starting to have trouble jumping up on the couch. It probably won't be too long before he's gone.

  • james_woods

    I have a lost and found black & white cat named Li-Li. She kept coming around the back and I fed her smoked salmon & capers because that was the closest thing I had to cat food. She never left after that.

    I have a B!tch about the local animal shelter. My dog got loose about a year ago for dog romantic reasons. (He can jump about a 5 foot fence if given a good motive). I go to bail him out of the dog jail the next day - and I did not mind paying a fine. We also fixed the fence on his dog run.

    However, while I was there, a young girl came in with a very pretty male siamese cat. She explained that it had come up into her mom's garage and was obviously lost. They couldn't take care of it, so they were putting it up for adoption. The jerk at the desk questions her down as if it was really her cat and she was just dumping it. Then, they charge her $40.00 for the privilege of leaving it! She had no cash, so she had to write them a check. If I had been her, I would have told them it was their cat now and turned around and walked out of there.

    I can understand charging a fee if a persons own pet got lost and they retrieved it (like my dog). I can also understand charging a fee to adopt and having a yearly license charge to be sure the shots are done. What I cannot understand is the logic of charging this girl $40.00 for merely doing the right thing and in fact helping the animal shelter to do its job. I have verified that they will charge a homeowner even if you just call in a stray animal and they come and get it out of your yard. This is the dog-and-cat equivalent of small town cops running a deliberate speed trap on their short section of an interstate highway, IMHO.

    Obviously, this can only discourage citizens from ever standing up and helping to contain lost pets in the future. I am sure not going to go out of my way to help them after seeing this outrage first-hand.


  • Jim_TX

    Abandoned animals can sometimes make the best pets, if adopted.

    Cats are funny... sometimes THEY choose where they want to live.

    I live in a mobile home park that frowns on having pets outside. They will set cat traps to catch any 'strays' that get dumped out at the main entrance.

    I put catfood out on my front porch, along with water (it gets hot here, and animals need water). I have a few wild cats (and a few neighbors' pets) that come up and help themselves to the 'free grub'. I will take the time to talk to them - and have named them.

    A few weeks ago, a new grey tomcat appeared on the porch. He was skinny as a rail, and afraid of people (I.E. me.) He would take off when I appeared at the door, or went outside. I would just talk calmly to him, greeting him like I do the other cats.

    Soon, he tamed down, and ... well, now he is almost a pest. Always wanting me to talk to him, and pet him. I feed him up on the top rail of the wooden porch... he seems to like it up there, away from the other cats - but also where I can pet him easier.

    I named him 'Grey Tom'. His ribs don't stick out anymore - like they did when he first came. He also likes to lie on the green doormat that is just outside the front door. He is really a sweet cat with an excellent personality... I don't know why anyone would haul him off.

    The only rule that I have with the cats is that they all must get along. If they hiss or slap each other, I tell them to leave.

    It might sound silly, but it works. I have had a couple of cats with 'attitudes' that are no longer welcome... and they know it. They don't even try to come over anymore.

    Good Luck with the stray at your mom's house. I think the cat is choosing to live there... whether your mom likes it - or not.


    Jim TX

  • juni

    Sad emo - Yes we do have microchipping. We've had all of our animals done as they can lose their collars and that is their only ticket back home. Though we don't let them run loose, but there can be an unexpected escape.

    Brooke - Animals are close to my heart. They love w/o condition. Bless you for taking in and caring for lost animals - even bunnies who are insignificant to most people. I used to work at a wildlife rehab center for 5 years and it was amazing how many good hearted people out there do their best finding care for the wild that are injured or abandoned. We had wonderful success stories. Only animals we couldn't have were skunks as it is against Wisconsin state law because of the rabies factor.

    With raising 4 kids, we always had some poor innocent animal/bird who needed care. It teaches children respect for life and animals. I'm all for it.


  • Lo-ru-hamah

    One time I was out for a walk in the country and beside the road probably about a mile from my home I found a whole box of puppies. I brought them home and a witness neighbor came by, saw them and said he would take them home. He took them home and killed them. I was 13 years old and I hate that man to this day. I think that is the last time I ever picked up anything stray.


  • delilah

    We found an abandoned baby squirrel a few years ago. It's mother had been killed by another squirrel. We tried to take it back to it's nest, but another squirrel came and killed it's nestmates, so we rescued it. Fed it with a baby bottle, and cuddled it for a day or two. Then decided we'd better call the animal shelter. We took it to them, who knew a lady who rescued squirrels, and then released them into the wild again. He was really cute though.

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