Another Anti-climactic weekend....JWs you can breathe again

by LDH 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Yep, so much anticipation and adrenaline used in preparation for the District Convention.

    Well, we've just passed the first weekend of conventions and what do we see? Are there any earth-shattering revalations? Did anyone (Ex-JW) who attended the conventions come back here and tell us they heard one scintilla of evidence that these people speak for God?

    Of course not. Just over-tired people clapping because there's a pause in the speech, and they get to see some friends that they haven't seen since last year. Rhetoric, and the same ideas since I left (12 or so years ago).

    HO Hum. So much for spiritual meat. More like Spiritual Similac.

    I feel sorry for the families who are spending their hard earned money and vacation time on this endeavor.


  • Poztate
    Well, we've just passed the first weekend of conventions and what do we see? Are there any earth-shattering revalations? Did anyone (Ex-JW) who attended the conventions come back here and tell us they heard one scintilla of evidence that these people speak for God?

    I get the duty of driving my wife to the convention in a few weeks. (not going myself) I am sure she will come back to me and declare that it was the "best convention ever"....They always are....

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    I thought they were so sure the end was right around the corner that they might not even get to have conventions this year. I guess just another false prophecy.


  • LDH
    I get the duty of driving my wife to the convention in a few weeks. (not going myself) I am sure she will come back to me and declare that it was the "best convention ever"....

    You know, it's kind of like bragging to all of your friends about your partner's prowess in bed. You have to keep up the pretense, but deep down you know it sucks. After you've told everyone, you don't dare go back and call him "Minute Man."

    God forbid a loyalist declare, "What a waste of three days that was!" even if they are thinking it.

    Lo-ru--did I miss something? Did they realy say that?!?

  • theinfamousone

    my sister (with whom i have been able to pick up conversation with again) has informed me that she has the huge priviledge of going to her assembly in Jersey theatre... i feel so left out, NOT! its all the same shtuff, the same drivel about how we must shun intelligence and rational thinkin and continue allowing the borg to think for us... woot.... not

    the infamous one

  • Virgochik

    "I feel sorry for the families who are spending their hard earned money and vacation time..."

    Speaking from the employer's point of view, I wish they were spending their vacation time, lol! Too often, they call in sick if the vacation schedule is full, and it's a bear to cover for them. It's no secret they are at the convention. I had two elders who flat out refused to come to work, citing religious accomodation, when called in the office. They saved their vacation days for their family trips to Cancun, etc.

    My Dad was good for this too, when I was growing up. Demand the days off from the boss, and threaten to quit if the boss said no. He was good at his job, so they let him go, but he was very resented by the other guys. Gave quite the witness, haha. Then, he preserved his three weeks intact for our family summer trip.

    Yes, we can breathe again... our office is fully staffed till the circus ass-embly!

  • greendawn

    Actually those are expenses and time we should add to the burden the JWs have by being part of the WTS, and let's not forget that somehow they have to foot the expenses for assemblies even if on a voluntary basis as they do for the KHs. I remember they used to announce at the assemblies every so often that we are short of so much money and can't yet cover our expenses.

    I also can't see why they make so many expenses to attend those goofball assemlies where they get further misled and intimidated.

  • schne_belly

    I love asking those I know who go to the conventions/assemblies what NEW thing they learned.

    Haven't heard one NEW thing yet. They say, "oh, just some good reminders....." To which I respond, "well then, what did I miss out on??"

  • fullofdoubtnow

    This year will be the first full dc I have missed since 1981, and I am so looking forward to not being there, hearing the same old recycled crap again, missing out on the new? publication, being exhorted to give, give give to the work and all the other bs they spout at dcs. I feel pity for those who will be dragging themselves there throughout the 3 days. I am so happy that I won't be among them.

  • 95stormfront

    Well....since they've moved it from College Station back to Houston, I won't have to drive my wife there the first day just to make sure she knows the way. Outside of the Houston area, she doesn't like to drive and is terrible with directions.

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