July 15 2006 WT - Uncleanness - disfellowshp?- details

by BluesBrother 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • under_believer

    I'm not worthy to read that. It was THAT GOOD.

  • moomanchu

    Repent, Repent, Repent you apostates confess your sins to the priest elder.

    and for that matter turn those in who are sinning (there is going to be alot of sisters checking what there hubby is doing late at night on the computer) so we can hold our witch trial.
    For example, suppose a brother viewed so-called soft-core pornography on several occasions. He is ashamed confesses to an elder, and is determined not to repeat sin.
    However, suppose a christian has secretly viewed abhorrent, sexually degrading pornography for years and has done everything to conceal his sin.

    Confess = Life

    Conceal = Death


    They are slowly finding more and more things to DF people for. So now you can't watch porno's or have phone sex... whats next? Masturbation is a dfing offence if they person was greedily viewing porn at the same time?!?!

    Aside from viewing child porn .......Give me a break please!

  • Broken Hearted
    Broken Hearted

    okay , Not ever picking up a watchtower in my life, you are telling me these articles are in there and that children are reading this, I know yesterday after reading this thread, and then going to the watchtower site, and reading what they had posted there, I must say I someone how got turned on. (could be unclean thoughts of jw friend not abiding by anything in the article) Are these letters from real people or are they from the higher to be's that think about sex and get turned on by writing these articles? Just a thought from the outside sinning christian world.

  • bavman

    Shortly before I left the borg two years ago I had a conversation with an elder who had recently returned from Patterson Bethel. He was one of the "computer nuts" at Patterson and one of the things he was assigned to do was "clean up" after certain young Bethelites who had a problem with viewing porn. He said that the elders lovingly and patiently worked with these young Bethelites to help them make progress over their problem with porn. I thought at the time this was great. The society really was patient and loving in helping in that way. I wonder now if this is still how things will be handled with those young Bethelites. How can this article be reconciled with problems even Bethelites might have? Is this talking from both sides of the mouth? Or will these young Bethelites be turned out on their heads in the near future?

  • What-A-Coincidence

    Yes. Porn (apart from alcoholism) is a major problem at Bethel. The Bethel Elders were patient/loving with them and with their so called problem. It's easy...these Bethel Elders got all the freakin' time in the world to "help." A Bethel Elders responsibility was to look out after these ones. It's not like they "left work" to help out erring ones. All they had to do was to call you in to their office and go over some scriptures. Do they go out of their way??? Not really. They do this because oversight has asked them to handle it and to report back and to write you up.

    Now. A congregation elder out here in the world does not have time to be patient and loving (well maybe some) but for the most part the elders are too busy. They will ask if you are "greedy" and slam their fists down and charge you with a crime. Sorry folks, no help for the greedy bastards.



  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate
    Unbelievable. The era of porneia speculation is back!

    Leolaia that was my first thought!

  • Fangorn

    This "greediness" issue is going to be another one of these "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin" deals. Definitions of greediness will abound.

  • steve2

    The concept of "greediness" would seem to feature prominently in judicial decisions about erring brothers and sisters.

    Theoretically, an erring brother or sister could now claim that, whilst engaged in illicit sexual activities with other consenting adults, they did not enjoy it at all. They could further claim that they just went through the motions and so were not the slightest bit greedy in doing it. According to the article, they should get off relatively lightly because its the extent of greediness that matters. Slurp, slurp, slurp ...

  • Pumple

    Lawl! Laffin' mah ass off for the "In our next issue" part with the "Human Dignity - Possible for all" :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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