the pioneer book

by rathfear 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rathfear

    Hi, i've finally decided to make a post, after lurking for a while and even lurking for a while after i signed up.

    could anyone tell me about that blue book, shining as illuminators in the world, the pioneer book, does anyone know where you would get it online, in pdf, word, html format?


  • IP_SEC

    I still have mine I really need to scan and get it up somewhere. I'll try to do that soon.. There is actually a new book out for pios. BTW WELCOME!!!!

  • freedomlover

    still have mine too. I always wanted to restudy it, but alas, who had the time as a JW?

  • serendipity

    Hi rathfear & welcome!

  • rathfear

    i didn't know that, i had heard some where that it was no longer used, however i saw pioneer sister was reading it on her lawn recently. i remember years ago i saw an elder putting a light blue book into his bag, i recall not getting a very satisfying response. I since learned the name of the book, thats about it really.

  • sinamongurl

    yeah whats in there anyway? why such a secret......but u know what i would really like to know....whats in the elders' book!!

  • What-A-Coincidence

    welcome to the board!!!

    i guess when something is a "secret" you feel more special about it.

    btw - the elders book is posted somewhere. i don't have a link but i am sure someone can post one.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I think I still have mine, it's packed away with the rest of my jw literature in my mum's spare room.

    It's nothing special really, just another jw book. I actually haven't looked at it for about 6 or 7 years.

    btw, welcome to the board.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Rathfear,

    WELCOME!! We look forward to more of your posts!


    Lady Liberty

  • LDH

    Welcome rath.

    I don't have this book anymore, but I got it when I was 18 or so.

    There's NOTHING in it. You didn't miss a thing.

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